Chapter 11

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Emma's outfit above ;)


It was a Saturday morning and thankfully I had a free so I could actually stay in bed until whatever time I wanted. It had been a week since I started uni and I was honestly having a great time. I wanted to desperately get Charlie to apply for it so we could spend more time together in person rather than having to Skype each other every night. Since I had so much studying, I didn't really have time to go and meet her anymore and I knew that she desperately wanted to quit her job at Cafe Mayro to become a beautician. I had seen her nail art, she was amazing!

When I got up, it was 11am and I was pretty much starving to death so I made some pancakes. The recipe was my moms, she used to make them all the time at home because she knew how much I loved them.

I then hopped in the shower, did my makeup, brushed my hair, cleaned my teeth and got dressed, and headed over to the boys' apartment. They were both up and ready and looked as if they were going out.

"I'll go if you want." I said turning towards the door.
"No! We're only getting some props to film with." Caspar said smirking. God I wonder what they had planned this week for Sunday. I sat down and took the advantage of watching some American Horror Story whilst they were gone. For some reason I could tell something was going on, I recognised the cheeky grin on Caspar's face. I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with me, which I'm strongly doubting.

They got back within about 15 minutes and switched the TV off whilst I was in the middle of my show. I got up and fought to get the remote off of Caspar, but with him being taller than me I had absolutely no chance. They ran around the apartment, Caspar with the TV remote, Joe with the playstation controllers, with me chasing behind them until we stopped in Joe's room. He had camera equipment set up and everything in place for filming. I signed and tried to exit but Joe was blocking the door. He smiled his mischievous smile and held the shopping bag up.

"No." I said bluntly.
"Oh yes!" They both said in unison. I had no idea what we were filming nor what was in that bag they were holding. There could've been dead rats in there for all I knew. I dropped onto the bed in front of the camera and the boys gave me a pointed look.
"Come on then." I laughed mischievously, having my revenge planned for later. Caspar and Joe knew I never wanted to be in a video because of my anxiety going through the roof when the hate comes flooding in.

The two sandwiched me and Joe began his introduction.
"Hey guys!" He began. "So today I'm joined with this lovely young lady who we know as Emma in the Jaspar household! Oh and Caspar too." When he said Caspar his expression changed to annoyed and I couldn't help but giggle.
"Hi!" I waved at the camera as did Caspar.
"As you probably know, I asked you guys for some challenges for us all to do on Twitter!" Joe continued. "So that is what we're going to do!"
"I'm so excited!" I squealed over-enthusiastically, bouncing on the bed and waving my hands.
"Ok love, calm down!" We all laughed violently which Joe would just edit out later (I hoped).

We started off by doing one sentence in the whisper challenge. Let's just say the sentence Caspar ended with wasn't close to what it actually was. We then did the chubby bunny challenge, followed by the salt and ice challenge and ended with the bean boozled challenge. They were all disgustingly hilarious and I'm sure by the end of it I had cramps from laughing so hard.

Joe ended the video and Caspar went to clean his mouth out. I gave Joe a piece of gum and popped one in myself to get rid of the horrific smell from the vile things they call 'jelly beans'. We talked about the video and I reached across the bed for my remotes which rudely got removed from me before filming. As I went to walk out, he gripped onto my arm and span me around to face him.

"Help me edit." He pleaded. I'd helped him edit once before and the viewers really seemed to enjoy it. I tried to pull away saying how I needed to study for an exam on Monday but he kept a hold of my wrist, forcing me to fall into him. I laughed and placed my hands on his shoulders. Our faces were inches away from each other and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

I slowly leaned down and placed my lips to his. I didn't know how he would react but he kissed back straight away. I could feel the smile on his lips and I smiled back. After a few seconds I pulled away and looked down, grinning and probably blushing like mad.

"I've got to go study." I said subtly and walked away.

"Casp, I've got to go and study." I said end exited before he had chance to reply. The smile on my face refused to leave.

I tried to do some last minute studying but I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was the kiss.

Joe's POV

What did it mean? I had no idea what to think. A few weeks ago she wasn't ready for a relationship, but then she kisses me? Either her feelings are messed up or she's trying to mess with mine.

But I know Em. She isn't like that. God this girl.


they kissed lol

This chapter probably is quite short, forgive me!!! I just didn't really know what to write after the kiss.

Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

Em x

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