Chapter 12

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I awoke to my head on my desk, text books as my pillows. I focused my gaze on the digital clock across from my face. 9:30. Crap. My exam started at 9 and there was no way in hell they would let me in now.

I hopped out of the extremely uncomfortable chair and hurriedly threw on some random clothing. I didn't bother with makeup so I just brushed my curls out into loose waves, cleaned my teeth and raced down to Jaspar's apartment. I flung the door open, my screams echoing through the building.

"Guys I've messed up big time!" They boomed. A dreadfully startled Joe came bounding upstairs, throwing on a t-shirt as he did so.
"Em?! What's up?!" He said pacing over to me.
"I overslept and now I've missed one of the biggest exams this semester!"
"Oh thank god! I thought someone had fricking died!"
"Ok, ok. Look, we'll go to university and explain together why you missed the exam. Then we'll ask if you can just take it another time." He engulfed me in a hug, my heartbeat slowing down a little as he described the plan.

Once I'd calmed down, we decided to go for breakfast together. Caspar was still in bed and seen as though none of us had eaten we decided it was a good choice. Surprisingly, nothing at all was awkward between us after the incident yesterday.

As we made our way to the coffee shop, where Charlie works, silence grew louder and louder.
"You do know we're going to have to talk about what happened yesterday at some point?" Joe uttered. I nodded in response and looked to my feet, blushing.

We arrived and as soon as Charlie saw me she grinned wildly. I smiled back and me and Joe took our regular places. She strolled over to us even though she knew our orders. To be fair, I hadn't seen her in a few weeks so she probably wanted to catch up with me starting college and other stuff. We said the regulars and she took me aside.

"So what's going on here then?" She said excitedly.
"Nothing." I shrugged and her eyes grew wide.
"Ok then." She smirked again and exited to the kitchen to get our orders. I sat on the other side of the booth, Joe questioning the conversation I just had as I did so. My phone was blowing up with texts and missed calls from my friends at college but I just ignored them for now. This was Joe and I's time to really talk through everything.

"Joe." We said one after the other. We both knew what we wanted to talk about, we just didn't know the right words to put it in.
"Em, I really like you. Like, really. And I know what happened yesterday was probably just a mistake on your half, but I can't help feeling like it meant something." He paused probably waiting for my response. "Please just say something."

"Joe, stop panicking. I realise now that what we have is much more than just a friendship. If I'm being honest, I regretted ever saying no the first time. I knew how I felt, but I guess I just didn't want to admit it to myself. With all that happened with my ex, I wasn't ready to experience that again. But now I know you Joe. I know you would never do anything to hurt me." I rambled on for a while, but it felt good to let everything out, to get the strong weight of emotion and feelings off of my shoulders.

"Can I take you out later?" He said shyly looking into his coffee.
"Of course Joe." I smiled, placing my hand on top of his as we looked at each other. I honestly couldn't have been happier right now, me and Joe were finally more than friends. Weren't we? Well, he never actually said the words but I think our feelings basically spoke for us. After we'd finished, I said goodbye to Charlie and we headed on our short journey home. Joe actually held my hand and interlocked our fingers. The only word I can use to describe my feeling was right. I just felt like my life was right for once.

He walked me up to my apartment even though I insisted there was no point, and he leant down and placed a quick kiss upon my lips. I could get used to this. We agreed to meet at 7pm at his place to go out for the first time as a couple. It was only midday so I had some time to call college and explain about the mistake with the test and then just relax for a while, until I got ready.


It was six and I had just got out of the shower. I didn't have long to get ready because me being me, I obviously fell asleep whilst watching some random film I found on Netflix. I curled my hair after drying it because curls fitted the red dress I had chosen. My nails were painted red and they were thankfully not chipped, which I was highly grateful for. As for my dress, it had cute white polka dots spreader over it, a love heart neck line and was of course strapless. It fitted my body nicely as my hips stuck out quite a bit and that's where the dress flared out slightly.

The makeup I applied was light but not too light. I wanted to make an effort but not look too overdressed as Joe was yet to tell me what he had planned. I finished off with a ruby red lipstick and I also popped my white pearl earrings in for a little more sophistication. I was just sliding on my white pumps as (presumably) Joe knocked at the door. I raced over and opened it to a face I never thought I would see again.

"Zach?" I whispered, tears pricking at my eyes with anger.

"You haven't been answering my texts." He said, a slice of frustration in his voice as he stormed past me entering my apartment.
"Well would you answer the texts of someone who cheated on you with your best friend? Thought not." I narrowed my eyes and raised my voice.
"You're dressed nice." He grinned the disgusting smirk he always did that he knew I hated.
"I'm going on a date. You can leave now."
"Why would I want to do that?" I stepped back away from him but he just stepped closer to me.

My heart began racing a million times an hour with fear. I'd never seen him like this before. Our relationship was ruined but when we broke up I could see the hurt in his eyes, he apologised so many times but I couldn't forgive him. He leaned down and viciously crashed his lips to mine. I immediately shoved him back but his grip was firmly on my waist so I had no chance of escaping him. I hit his chest as his palm struck my face. I cried out but no one came. All I could do was pray that Joe would come, as he was one to be early rather than late.

"Don't do this Zach." I cried, tears pouring down my cheeks.
He gripped my arms extremely tight and I fought so hard to get him off me. As he kicked my gut someone knocked at the door.
I screamed as loud as I could before he had chance to silence me somehow. I had no hope. Zach must've locked it when I wasn't concentrating. The door shook with loud bangs of someone trying to get in. He shoved me hard in the chest and I fell into the corner. I kicked and punched, trying as hard as I could to get out of the situation, and even though he knew I was having a panic attack, all he cared about right now was hurting me physically how much I hurt him emotionally.

He threw me into the wall and slapped my face again, harder. I yelped in pain. Just as I thought my life was going as planned, this happens to me. I screamed out one last time before a thud echoed the room.

Joe ran over to me and Zach and pushed him off of me, sending him tumbling to the floor. I heard punches being thrown but I could only wish that it was Zach being hurt and not him. I curled myself into a ball, wrapping my arms around my bruised body. The crying stopped and I just sat there in horror thinking about what could've happened to me if Joe had of entered any later. I saw Zach fly out of the door, Joe closely following, but just reaching the door to slam it shut and lock it.

"Are you ok?" I could hear his muffled voice but I was too frozen to answer. I heard Joe's body slide down the wall and his arms slithered around me as my head sunk into his chest. Tears streamed out of my eyes as he comforted me. I begged him to sit down but he had to get up to ring the police. They asked for details such as his name, clothing etc. I felt sick describing him but in order for me to be safe, I knew I had to.

What I thought would be a perfect night turned into a disaster. What was next in this huge mess known as my life?


On a brighter note, this chapter was over 1500 words, making it my longest chapter yet! There will probably be quite a few mistakes but you'll probably understand haha.

Em x

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