Chapter 7

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A/N. Ok writing this for you guys again. Going to tweek a few of the details because now that I think of it, I don't particularly like what I wrote last time before it deleted itself (still mad at that though 😩). Enjoyyyy!


"Thanks so much for this." I said calmly to the girl in front of me, who you all know as Charlie.
"Really, it's fine." She leans forward slightly as I look out the window to the cobbled street outside. London is a beautiful place, even when it's raining. I love people watching.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. I nod my head and begin my dreadfully long story.

She awed slightly when I neared the end. I had been so deep in the conversation, that I hadn't even noticed the tears constantly welling in my eyes then continuing by rolling down my cheeks. I probably looked a mess right now, but I didn't care in the slightest.

"God I need to sort this." I stated wiping my eyes with a sleeve.

Joe's POV

I walked to the living room seeing only Zoë sat on the sofa, her head in her hands.

"Where's Em?" I approached her with a confused expression on my face.
"Gone Joe. I'm so sorry." What had she done to be sorry for? And what did she mean by 'gone'? Oh.
"You told her?!" I said raising my voice a little.
"No! She figured it out!" Anger was irrupting in her tone when she spoke.
"Well how the hell could she do that when you're the only person I told?!" I argued back. She explained the chat in the kitchen earlier in the morning and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

I stormed out saying nothing and made my way down the street, no intention of going to a particular place.

Emma's POV

At the end of our discussion Charlie had to go back to work, which I can't really blame her for. I strolled around the local park admiring the view in front of me. A mother with her child, chasing her playfully around, tickling her every now and again. If I could go back to those days, I would in a heartbeat.

I placed my hands in my leather jacket pocket and felt my phone vibrate. Joe.

"Em. I need to see you, now." He said worriedly.
"Ok Joe slow down. You're scaring me."
"Where are you?"
"The park where we went when I first mov-"
"Stay there."

And that was that. What was I supposed to do? Wait, I guess?

I opened Twitter and checked my few notifications. A tall figure I recognised as Joe walked over anxiously and sat next to me on the bench next to the lake.
"Ok, sorry if I scared you, but I need to tell you something. Em, I like you. Like, more as a friend type way." He stuttered out. Oh god. I knew what I was going to say next would possibly break our friendship forever.
"Joe, I can't deal with a relationship right now." I bit my lip as he walked away. Yep, I'd really messed up.

Joe's POV

I felt terrible. I felt rude for walking away but I couldn't let Em see my emotions get the better of me.

I'm so stupid! How could I have ever thought a girl like Emma would like me?! She made it pretty clear though. Friends. Nothing more.

I flopped on my bed and sighed. I genuinely felt like someone had took my heart and just threw it on the ground.


Emma's POV

It had been a week since Joe last talked to me. It was killing me. I hadn't been over to his and Caspar's because I think they both hate me. I checked my phone for the thousandth time this morning to check I hadn't missed any phone calls or messages.

I typed a quick message to him. I didn't want to be the first one to talk, but I couldn't deal with it anymore.
'I miss you.' It read. I hit send and waited for a reply. Nothing.

I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a hot shower. I listened to James Bay's new album when half way through I heard a ping interrupting one of my favourite songs on there 'Let it go'.

I hopped out of the shower having already washed my hair and body and wrapped a towel around me. I dried my hand and grasped my phone from under some clothes and unlocked it. I opened my messages and instantly was disappointed. It was my dad instead. Can he not get that I don't want to talk to him?! Ugh.

I walked out of the bathroom and a knock on my door echoed the apartment. I shouted just a minute as I grabbed my robe and slung it over my body. I also took my hair down from my towel, trying to look a bit decent. I paced to the door and answered it quite cautiously not knowing who it could be.

"I miss you too."


I found the end of this chapter really cute and I don't know why :)
Thanks for reading! Look at me being all fancy updating twice in two days ;)
Em x

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