Chapter 2

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My first flight was pretty rough. Of course, to my luck, kids swarmed the plane, chatting and giggling before taking their seats. Then you've got the couples, who sit their and physically can't wait until they arrive at their hotel. And finally, the babies/toddlers, who were just great on an eight hour flight.

I got off of the plane and headed to the security cart to get my luggage (which was surprisingly allowed on the plane for the amount it weighed), I waited until the end because I was really in no rush, it's not as if London was going to go anywhere in the extra five minutes I spent on here.

I felt so happy as this moment in time, I finally did it. I left home, and for good. Thousands of miles away from all of my problems. As of now, nothing could break my spirits. For once in my life, I felt confident. Free.

I began making my way to the exit and waited for the people in front of me to go through a set of doors, the only set of doors, that could be used to exit the airport. In front of me stood 2 boys, who looked a similar age to me, discussing something about someone moving into an apartment above them. They sounded a little arrogant, but I'd be lying if I said they weren't attractive. And I'd also be lying if I said that I wasn't gazing at them for five minutes.

"Hi...?" The taller one with true blonde hair waved his hand in front of my face, a confused expression wiped across his.
"Oh, um, sorry?" I smiled nervously whilst shrugging my shoulders.
"That's ok," The stranger smiled. "My names Caspar, and that's Joe."
"Emma." I shook their hands and the one with dirty blonde ruffled hair began talking.
"So, what brings you to the bright and sunny city known as London, Emma? Your accent states you're clearly not from around here." I'd never heard a British accent before, and it was nice to hear something other than a trashy American one.

At first I was cautious about talking to two guys I'd never met before and possibly blurting out my life story, but this line was actually huge, and I wasn't prepared to stand here, and do nothing for however long I'd be stood here for.

The conversation continued and got more relaxed as it went along. It was nice just being me for once, rather than pretending to be someone else, which was a regular occurrence in Tampa. Before leaving, we wrote each others numbers on an old boarding pass Joe found in his back pocket.


Hope this chapter was a little bit longer for you guys! I'll try and update at least three times a week but it depends on whether I can't think of ideas! Please vote for this story and add to your library to get notifications when I update!

Edited 01/07/17

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