Chapter 14

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I smiled at how ironic everything was and hugged Joe tightly in the doorway. I grabbed my black handbag that went with my outfit, threw my phone in it, along with my purse and we left. Joe took my hand in his until we got to the car where he opened my door for me.
"Why thank you!" I said with a posh accent and got in. On the car journey I asked him where he was taking me, but he wanted to keep it a surprise which was annoying but I just went with it. Other than this it was quiet apart from the radio, it wasn't awkward though it was just a regular silence.

We turned into a road I'd never seen before although it was probably common, I don't come to this part of London much because I know straight away I would get lost. I turned my head to Joe and he looked nervous. Placing my hand on his, I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

We finally pulled up at what I presumed was our destination. I got out of the car as well as Joe and he held my hand tight. I followed keeping slightly behind him and we arrived to a large building. It was plain white and looked old but I spotted a sign above the entrance that read 'Ea Lfe' with a few letters missing. It was pretty simple to figure out that the sign was suppose to say 'Sea Life' and I got really excited. I remember mentioning it very briefly to Joe that underwater animals fascinated me so he must have an amazing memory to think of taking me somewhere like this.

He chuckled to himself when he noticed my excitement and we entered the old sea centre into a tube surrounded by all sorts of tropical fish. There weren't many people inside, just tourists and a few workers. I looked up to Joe who looked just as mesmerised as me. He looked down at me when we stopped at a giant tank filled with sword fish and a variety of sharks and kissed me until we heard a click of a camera behind us. We turned around to a teen girl grinning ear to ear.

"OMG OMG OMG! You're Joe Sugg!" She squealed excitedly. "And you're Emma! OMG! I love your collabs so much and now you're a couple! Oh my god #Jemma5life!" The girl rambled on about how cute we were together and it felt so nice knowing that his fans were so excitable and lovely.

"Thanks! Now I'm going to ask you a massive favour...." Joe piped in.
"...Charlotte, you must not share that photo." I looked at him confused and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
"I totally understand! I won't Joe, I promise! Please announce it soon though, you have loads of Jemma shippers world wide!" We both chuckled at her personality. Joe thanked Charlotte and we snapped a quick photo with her before she left.

"Why didn't you want her to post that picture?" I asked curiously.
"I think we should be the ones to announce it. You can announce it on your blog and I'll share the post on Twitter." He explained and I nodded to show I understood. We continued our trip around the aquarium and exited after walking around a couple of times talking about YouTube and random stuff not even worth repeating.

"Where to next Miss?" Joe said opening my door.
"I don't know sir, where to?" I asked playing along. He tapped the side of his nose and began driving again, leaving me to try and guess where we could possibly go next.

He placed his hand on my thigh and I blushed stupidly to myself and looked down to my feet. I gave up thinking about where we were going and began thinking about what I wanted to do with my life. Joe was happily singing along to Carly Rae Jepson so he probably didn't mind me not talking to him.

I wanted to start a YouTube channel. That's what I wanted to do as a hobby, if I was lucky I could do it full time, that was if people liked me and actually wanted to watch my videos. I desperately wanted to drop out of university, well, I didn't want to drop out, I just wanted to study a different course. I liked art but I also wanted to be a model if I'm being honest here. Modelling agencies had approached me in America but I had to turn them down because of the bruises my dad gave me.

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