Chapter 8

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I pulled Joe into a massive hug and he was a little shocked at first but began hugging back almost immediately. I didn't know what I was doing, it was just an 'in the moment' moment I guess.

"Thank you." I whispered as my head rested on his neck.
"Sorry for walking away."
"I understand."

I sighed in relief and pulled away, letting him into my apartment. I motioned to the bed so Joe would get comfortable why I went to get changed.

I strolled into the bathroom and closed the door. I pulled on my clothes; I went for an American Horror Story jumper and some faded ripped jeans. I then brushed my hair and scrunched the ends, knowing when I dried it it would go my natural wavy style.

When I walked out, Joe's attention turned to me. I smiled and dramatically posed trying to make the situation not awkward. A light chuckle escaped his mouth as he turned his attention back to the TV.

I sat at the end of the bed and flopped back.
"What are you thinking about?" Joe said as I sighed.
"Life." I said bluntly, but it was true. I was thinking about the roller coaster I call a life. How I'd gone from a happy child, to an abused teen, to a 'just fine' young adult. Well, I was fine now I knew me and Joe were on speaking terms again.

"Ok... Let's play a game." I looked at Joe with a confused expression on my face. "Thinking out loud. Whatever you're thinking, say it. Don't say things in your head, say them out loud. Get it?" I nodded.

"Ok. My life has been crazy. Crazy good and crazy bad. To think it was 14 years ago, I was 6 years old, having the time of my life. Then how drastically everything changed in 5 years. My dad got into drinking, drugs and gambling. How could he do that to us? He left us every night wondering.

I was thinking about how I went from this abused teenager, to basically living again now I've moved to London. I remember being so scared to go out, feeling petrified that everywhere I turned he would be there again, waiting for me. Now, I'm free. Finally free.

And then I thought about how meeting you has been the best thing that had ever happened to me. I never ever believed that airport conversation three months ago would turn into this friendship we have now. I feel a connection with you Joe, like I feel with no one else. I can tell you everything. Bloody hell, I told you about my dad. My abusive arse I called a father for twenty years.

You're special Joe. Our relationship is special. I don't think you know how grateful I am to have you in my life. Thank you Joe."

When people say they pour their hearts out, I think hey overreact. Now I get it.

Joe's POV

I was overwhelmed to say the least. Emma was right. We did have a friendship nothing could match. I wish we could have more than a friendship though. But I understood, maybe friends was better. All the arguments we wouldn't have, none of the pressure of dating and having to be spontaneous on 'anniversaries'. Friends. Just friends.

Privileged describing how I felt would be an understatement. A girl, I'm proud to call my best friend, told me everything, trusted me with everything.

It was clear. I loved her. I didn't 'like' Emma. I loved her. Loved.

I know what you are thinking, 'But how do you know it's love Joseph?' It's a feeling like no other. A strong feeling only felt with one person. Love is where you think about someone all the time. They're on your mind first thing on a morning and last thing at night. That's how I felt with Em. The thing with love is you just know.


Shorter chapter there but there will be another update VERY soon!
Thanks to my friend @HaylijahForever (Twitter go follow her!) for helping me with this and writing it in science with me ;)
Love you Ellie <3

Em x

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