Chapter 19

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It took a while to answer all of the cop's questions before they decided that it was self defence and my dad was attacking me before I laid a finger on him. Luckily, the marks remained so I had evidence, if I didn't, they would've taken it to court. My hands were still trembling as I dialled Joe's number. It was late but I knew he wouldn't rest until he knew what was happening. Well, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was up. This was playlist we're talking about and partying was a key feature.

He answered almost immediately but hung up seconds later, after softly saying, "I'm on my way, gorgeous." A small grin found itself on my face as a rush of heat rose to my cheeks.

Feelings of happiness and love travelled through my body when I heard Joe's voice. However, I couldn't bring myself to forgive him for what he did. The trust I left him with, was crushed into ashes as soon as I walked in that room.


There was a comfortable silence whilst Joe and I were in the mini van, yet I couldn't help but feel like a hint of it was awkward. I'd never felt awkward around him. Even when we first met, it wasn't exactly horribly awkward.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked in the same soft tone that he used over the phone.
"I'm fine." It came out ruder than I assumed it would. All of the emotions I felt from thinking about him cheating on me had somehow let themselves out with that single sentence. 

He took the hint that I was upset and shut up. We finally arrived in front of the hotel. I hopped out of the car and raced to the entrance, not even bothering to wait for Joe. I made my way up to the floor we were all staying on to find Zalfie's room. Everyone was there, including Tyler, Troye, Connor and Tyler's friend, Korey. Zoë immediately welcomed me, so I took the opportunity to take her to the side before everyone else noticed I was there. Music blasted through speakers, and a door opening was no match for that.

"Oh my God. Are you okay?" She asked.
"A bit shaken up but I'll get over it. Listen, has Joe told you anything? Maybe about what he's done in the past few days?" A confused look spread across her face as she answered.
"No, why?"
"Come with me." I pulled her over to the bathroom. "Joe cheated on me." I mumbled.
"Wow. Really?"
I nodded and told her what happened an how I found Joe and Niomi kissing. She truly looked both astounded and horrified. "This might seem a little pushy, but would you mind if I stayed here for the night?"
"Yes! Of course! Alfie can stay with Joe and then you can stay here. It's no problem." I sighed, relieved as we walked out of the bathroom.

People noticed I was there and turned the music down to talk to me. It felt good knowing I have such amazing friends there for me whenever I need them.

Joe stumbled into the room a few seconds after, questioning if I wanted to leave and just get some rest.
"No." I stated, faking a laugh. "I'm staying with Zoë tonight."
"But, why?" He looked at me dead in the eye.
"You're so clueless aren't you?"

Without a shadow of regret, I threw my arms around Marcus' neck and crashed my lips against his. I kept them there a couple seconds later then removed them. Both me and Marcus knew it meant nothing but I wanted Joe to feel the same pain that I did. You could argue that I'm just as bad as him and to that, I would argue back that I really couldn't care less.
"Hurts right?" I shot at Joe. He narrowed his eyes, giving me a look of anger crossed with disappointment, whereas I stood there with nothing but anger striking through me.

"Ok! Let's take this party to my room!" Tyler nervously spoke but in his usual cheery voice.
They all immediately evacuated out of the apartment leaving Joe and I alone.
"W-why did you do that?" Joe stuttered.
"Why the hell do you think I did that?!" I shouted back.
"I don't know? Maybe because you're a childish brat who sees more happiness from revenge than forgiveness."
"Well, maybe Joe, if you hadn't have snogged the face off of one of my closest friends, I wouldn't have to worry about what makes me feel more 'happy'. And you really think I felt freaking joy out of kissing Marcus? I love you Joe, for God's sake."
"And I love you Emma!" He yelled.
"Should've thought about that before getting so drunk you couldn't control your actions."
I opened the door and stepped aside, hinting for him to leave whilst tears streamed down my cheeks. Without another word, he exited, slamming the door after him. My drained body threw itself onto the bed and sprawled itself out into a comfortable position. A few minutes later I hugged my knees and sobbed into them. I was angry at Joe, and at myself. I shouldn't have been but I was. I couldn't help but have a feeling of guilt churning through my stomach.

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