creepy corpse pussy

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 completed by moremoneymoa-nae

I woke up to a dead body this morning. I don't know where it came from and I don't know what to do, and from the looks of it we fucked liked wild animals.

I bet your wondering how I knew the body was dead. The Y incision down its chest was a good give away and also the head was bashed in and the brains were showing through a hole in the skull. The bed was covered in blood and oh my god I was covered in it too.

When I saw that I was covered head to tow in blood I ran into the bathroom to was the blood off. When I felt I was clean enough I climbed out and used a towel to dry myself with. I stepped in front off the mirror to contemplate what I should do next and I realized tonight was the night, it was Halloween night. I sighed and looked around the room to see if my clothes were where I usually leave them and to my luck they were. I quickly dressed and peeked around the door at the bed against the wall.

While I was in the bathroom either someone came in and took the body or it walked out on its own. I was hoping someone walked in and took it because the other option was way to out there for me to handle. I slowly walked back into the bedroom to see if the person was still around. To my luck they weren't but what caught my attention were the bloody foot prints across the floor. I guess I was expecting the foot prints since the body was gone but what really made me flip out and scream was that the foot prints were of bare feet.

I ran out of my apartment and the only thing I could think of was to go to my best friends' house. I don't know how I made it to Trina's house but I did and thankfully in one piece. I wasn't sure what time it was but it was obviously early because when I started to knock on her door it took her a while to answer.

A sleepy feminine voice from behind the door asked, "Who is it?"

I answered her and she flung the door open cause of the panic I couldn't hide in my voice. She had a look of concern on her face as she listened to me rattle off what had happened earlier. She calmed me down and to slowly explain everything that had happened up to the point when I knocked on her door. I asked her if I could come in and sit down for a minute to which she asked me to give her a minute to tidy up. I agreed and stood shivering as I realized that I was getting colder.

It seemed like I sat outside for ever until Trina opened the door behind me and said that I could come in. I thanked her and headed to the rocking chair which happens to be my favorite seat in her whole house.

"Would you like some tea?" Trina asked.

I told her I would love some and off she went into the kitchen. While she was out of the room I looked around and noticed something I had never seen before. I went over to the open closet and found a pentagram painted on the floor with candles that were burnt down to stubs on each point. Not knowing that Trina was into this kind of stuff I went back to the rocking chair a moment before she reappeared in the room.

"Here you go it's Earl Grey, I hope you like it." as she handed the mug to me.

I accepted the mug from her and let it warm my hands up so they could stop shaking from the cold. I inhaled the steam coming from the mug and lifted it to my lips and took a sip of the warm liquid. As I took pleasure from the hot tea I noticed that Trina was looking at me patiently waiting for me to get back to the reason I was here. A few more luxurious sips of the warm fluid had me warm from the inside out and ready to talk some more.

I looked up at her and before I could say anything I saw a bloody hand print on the wall in the hallway that wasn't there when I came in earlier. I started to get up and to my astonishment my body wouldn't respond to my brain and I stared in horror at Trina as I realized that she had drugged me. I felt my head spinning and my vision begin to narrow as whatever it was begin to take hold. I managed to slur out a question about why she was doing this but I don't remember if she answered me or not.

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