erotic stories part two

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Stories about friends and family members ik

I'm a femme lesbian who works for an investment-banking firm in Chicago. In my line of work it is hard to meet women like myself. After my girlfriend and I broke up for the last time, I became very lonely and bored. I was 36 years old and single for the first time in a long time. At first I thought that I would love my freedom, but this euphoria didn't last very long. I was lonely, and eager to find a woman like myself. I hit the bars with some friends but I wasn't finding what I was looking for. I called Christine, an old girlfriend of mine, and we spent a weekend catching up and spending the night together at a hotel downtown. It was great to see her, and the sex was fantastic, but she had a girlfriend and I didn't want to create any drama. Apparently they were in an open relationship, but I was looking for my own partner.

Like me, she was a very successful businesswoman with a lot of contacts. She gave me the card of someone she met when she was in Los Angeles on business. An escort, she said, someone who had posed for Playboy and only entertained women clients. I was a little insulted at first, but then I saw a photo of her that she kept in her purse. This girl was a 10 -- 27 years-old, strawberry blonde, dark tan, amazing body, big blue eyes, and an incredible smile. Christine told me about the weekend they spent together at a beach house she rented in Malibu. It sounded incredible, worth every dollar of the $10,000 (!) weekend rate she charged. She was mostly a fitness model now, but had an escort business on the side. And she was 100% gay.

I took the card home and looked at it from time to time for the next couple of months. To say that I was intrigued was putting it mildly. I developed a lust for this woman, someone I had never met, and it was driving me a little crazy. I began surfing the web, looking for her photos, which didn't take long, since she had posed for Playboy a few years ago and was on a few "fitness babe" websites as well. She had such a nice smile, which drew me in. The thought of her legs wrapped around mine made my pussy so wet I couldn't believe it. I took out my vibrator and lay on my bed and brought myself to orgasm after orgasm, wasting a whole Saturday afternoon that I had set aside to catch up on work. I called Christine again. She assured me that everything was on the up and up, so I finally got up the courage to call her. I left a message on her voice mail and a few minutes later, while I was getting my things together to the gym she called me back.

"Hi, is this Ann?"

"Yes," I said. "Hi Amanda."

"Hey," she said. "You're Chris' friend."

"Yes. We've known each other for years."

"She's told me a lot about you. I'm so glad you called."

"She told you about me?"

"It was all good, believe me. She talks about you all the time."

"We're good friends."

Suddenly, I felt a little light-headed and sat down on my bed.


"I'm here."

"Are you okay?"

"Just a little nervous. I've never done this before."

"I understand. But you called me, didn't you."

"I did."

"I'm glad."

We spent the next hour talking about different things. She told me that she likes to get to know her clients before she meets them and she did a good job of making me comfortable. We made plans to meet for the weekend in a month. No house, in Malibu, though--she would have to fly to Chicago.

I was still a little concerned about the price. It seemed like a lot of money. Way too much. I hadn't taken a vacation in years. I was so busy at work. When I broke up with my ex, we had to cancel a trip that we'd been planning. I know, poor me. But I felt like I needed to treat myself before I began my fresh start. I had a lot of money saved. I had made good investments. Now it was time to splurge.

I spent the next couple of weeks getting glammed up. I got highlights, regular manicures, pedicures, facials...and I spent a lot of time at the gym. The week before Amanda arrived we met again for another lovemaking session. Christine liked it rough, so I pulled her hair and buried her face in my pussy, giving her orders, rubbing my cunt across her rock hard abs until I came. I was ready.

I took a half-day at work so I could meet her at the airport. She was easy to spot. Amanda walked briskly down the airport corridor with her luggage, wearing a short black dress and blazer, open toed-sandals, flashing that incredible smile. As she approached I had to catch my breath, she was even more stunning in person. I felt guilty looking her over like a piece of meat, her legs, her hips, boobs, ass, and a really pretty face. I could see heads turning as we embraced and she said my name. I felt like I was in a dream.

"Great to finally meet you, Ann." She said.

"Finally," I said, embracing her and giving a kiss on the cheek. "I hope your trip was okay."

"It was fine."

We stood there and looked at each other.

"I feel like we're already friends," she said.

We walked to the car and I held the door open for her and she got in.

In the car I paused for a second and looked at her. She smiled and leaned in and kissed me on the mouth.

"Let's have some fun," she said.

I had set her up in a boutique hotel near my apartment. I figured that we would spend the night there and if all went well; go to my place for the rest of the weekend. I could tell that Amanda was impressed. She loved the room, which was really a suite, with a large tub and a king-sized bed. We sat and talked for a while. I had ordered champagne for the room and as we drank it, I could feel myself finally relax and loosen up. She was very interested in my job and asked me a lot of questions. Finally we held hands and moved closer to each other on the sofa. Then we kissed. It was incredible. "What do you want to do Ann?" she asked.



Our kisses became more passionate now, and I could feel her hot, sweet breath on my face. I sucked on her tongue and she smiled. 'Mmmm...," she said. "Now we're getting somewhere."

"I'm still a little nervous," I said.

"It's okay,"she said. "I'm here for you."

She pulled me even closer and kissed my neck and behind my ears. I was in heaven. She buried her face between my breasts and breathed in.

"Mmmmm...," she said. "You have no idea how hot I'm going to make you, do you?"

"You're making me even more nervous."

We laughed and then she stood up and took my hand and walked me to the bed. We took off each other's clothes and lay down and began to kiss. Amanda got on top of me and grinded her pussy into mine. She sucked my tits and then glided her tongue down my belly and kissed my pussy. I moaned. She looked up and flashed that incredible smile.

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