ghostly twilight sex

349 3 0

 scream/scarey movie affect 

request completed for shavory 

by redbloodvampire

Jessie woke up in a mess. The sheets had been pushed to the side and her t-shirt was wrinkled up above her naked breasts. The cool night air was welcome on her warm sweaty skin but that was not what had awakened her. The dream was so realistic that her panties were damp. This was not the first time that she woke up like this. It started about a week ago and had happened every night. Before that, Jessie could not recall ever having an erotic dream. The alarm clock glowed, 2:48, in red against the blackness and Jessie threw her head back against the pillow in exasperation.

"I really gotta find a man," she sighed to herself.

She laid there, recalling the dream, when things suddenly changed. She felt a cool hand glide along her stomach up to her breast. She bolted up and focused her eyes but nobody was there. That was the end of the sleep she would get for the night. She tried to convince herself that she imagined it but it was just too real. She was scared and she didn't get scared. She was always in control but she didn't know how to control this. Jessie didn't believe in ghosts. She didn't disbelieve either. It hadn't seemed important till now. The difficulty wasn't the concept, but the belief. In her mind, faith and trust were synonymous with betrayal. She drank coffee until it was time to go to work. She was afraid to go back to that bed.

Jessie liked her job but she felt she had hit that glass ceiling. She had enough money that she didn't need to work and she had tried that for a while but got bored. She is an advertising exec and had pursued her career with undaunted ambition. Nothing was more important to her but she often remembered her younger, simpler life and wondered if she had taken a different path. She had all but given up on her youthful dreams of a family of her own. There was that one time that it was within her grasp but she had other priorities. Mostly, she didn't want to have a family like the one she was born into. The best day of her life was when her father died. If it wasn't for his insurance, she wouldn't have been able to go to college. She resented her mother almost as much for her silence when her father abused her.

She called her secretary into the office. She needed somebody else's opinion but she didn't have many friends she could talk to.

"Trish, this is gonna sound weird, but do you believe in ghosts?," she asked pensively.

Trish was confused at her boss's personal question. Jessie had never spoken to her about anything other than work.

"Ya, I guess so," she answered reluctantly.

Actually, Trish loved this kind of stuff. She had a whole library of books on the subject and has always considered herself to have psychic ability.

"Have you ever seen a ghost?," Jessie continued with more confidence.

"No, but I, sorta, felt them," Trish answered as she sat down on the opposite side of the desk.

"What do they feel like?," Jessie pounced

"Well, it's like they have something incomplete, like they didn't finish something in their life."

"But have you, actually, ever been touched by one"?

"Ya, it was kinda like a cold breeze that went right through me."

"Through you," Jessie repeated as if relieved.

"What happened," Trish asked as she began to clue in.

"It was probably just a dream."

"Was it a good dream or a bad dream?," Trish asked coyly.

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