let me sit on you

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She placed her hands on her hips, "Let's get

It's 7:20. I'm already at the carnival, I figured I should be early. That and I live less than 2 blocks away and didn't know what to do with the extra time I kept subconsciously straightening my sleeves, a nervous tick. I ended up in a white loose tank top, a long sleeved black cardigan, black pants and my best pair of black combat boots. I sported my Lion King watch and black heart earrings- my hair was tied back so they were actually visible. I let Alex do my makeup instead of going it myself, and I had to admit that she did a great job. So why was I so nervous about the way I looked? I couldn't simply stand still, so I found myself pacing back and forth placing solitaire to pass the time. I was so engrossed in beating my best time that I didn't notice Adrienne standing right in front of me. Heat rose to my cheeks as I took her in. She wore her hair back with a tendril of hair curling over her profile. She wore green earrings to make and red lipstick (my absolute weakness). She wore a simple earth green t-shirt, light blue tight capris and a pair of white low top Converse sneakers. It was warm tonight, so a jacket wasn't needed.

She reached out and pulled me into a hug, "Wow, I thought you were cute in pajamas but you're hot in regular clothes." she whispered against my ear.

If my jaw wasn't on the floor yet, it was now.

"But.. I thought... But you're not-" I couldn't get a hold of the stuttering.

"Not what?"

"You said him!!" I practically yelled.

The look of sheer confusion on her face was priceless.

"What I mean is that when we were in the grocery store you mentioned that you were bringing ice cream back for a "him".

"Oh! No, that "he" is my brother."

A heavy sigh of relief escapes my lips.

"Fuck am I glad to hear that." I flash a smile at her. "Let's go?" I gesture towards the screams and giggles behind me.

"Lead the way." she said, and off we went.

We went on every ride possible, working our way up from the slightest of thrills to the most daunting rides there. In between rides we talked about anything we thought of. Past present and future. I won her a stuffed bear at the dart toss, and we even shared funnel cake. By the end of the night my cheeks were sore from smiling so much. I looked down at my watch and realized it was already midnight.

"I would say it's getting late, but it already is late. You ought to get home."

"I can say the same for you. Where did you park?

"I walked, I live only a couple blocks from here."

"Let me drive you home then? I insist."

"Oh alright."

The drive was quiet, it took a total of maybe 2 minutes. When we pulled up in front of my home, I realized my heart was racing. I wasn't entirely sure of what would come next.

"Well tonight was fun." I say with a warm smile. "Thanks for bringing me home."

"No problem. I'd never let you walk alone in the dark."

An awkward silence filled the car, so I opened the door to relieve it. Before I could even get my foot out the door, she grabbed my wrist.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" I leaned back into the car over to her side and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. I pulled away to find her blushing a deep red.

"Okay. Good night Adrienne."

I floated my way into the house, heart thumping loudly. I passed Alex's room on the way up to my own all the way on the third floor. I heard her call out to me, but it took a second more stern call before I could pull myself out of the trance I was stuck in.

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