humping mandyy

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I checked my phone again as I stood outside the establishment, hoping for a text notification that wasn't there 20 seconds ago. My heart was hammering in my chest and the skin on my neck and face burned with embarrassed heat. I felt like every passerby could read my thoughts and intentions, standing outside the adult toy store. I wasn't just popping in for some flavored lube or a vibrator. I had come to attend a class on female masturbation. God, how could I have thought this was a good idea? And where the hell was Mandy?

Maybe I should back up a little. I'm June. I'm 19 and a college sophomore. Mandy is my roommate and she's 20. This whole thing started a couple of weeks ago when I caught her masturbating. I felt like a total creep listening to her in the bed across the room from mine. I guess she thought I was asleep, and I actually was drifting off, very relaxed and about to be in dreamland. At first, I thought the buzzing I heard was Mandy using her electric toothbrush. But then came the sighs and low moans of pleasure.

I continued to pretend to be asleep, fascinated by the sounds I was hearing. By that point, I had put two and two together and assumed she was using a vibrator. I knew vibrators were a thing, but had never actually seen one. Mandy played with herself for about 15 minutes as I listened, and then her breathing and moaning built to a crescendo as she came. Bless her heart, she really tried to keep quiet, but I imagined what she was doing to herself felt so good, she couldn't help the sounds she was making.

What surprised me the most was how I felt myself getting wet as I listened to my roommate get off. It's not like I'm into girls—never have been. Though I can admit that Mandy is a very attractive girl, and such a stark contrast to my own looks that she seems almost exotic to me. She is taller, about 5'8", compared to my 5'3". She has long, straight, dark brown hair with thick bangs. It's so pretty and shiny. I have wavy strawberry blonde hair that falls just past my shoulders. I also have pale Irish skin, and am jealous of Mandy's permanent golden tan. I guess the one area where I "outdo" Mandy is in terms of curves. I have very large, full breasts with big puffy pink nipples. Mandy has smaller, firm-looking boobs with pointy, rosy-brown nipples. Don't worry, I'm not a pervert—she changed in front of me one day after a workout.

As horny as I had been after listening to Mandy come, I couldn't do anything about it at the time. My type of masturbating required total solitude, and I was petrified of anyone ever walking in on me doing it. See, I had always gotten off through humping things. Pillows mostly, but also bed corners, rolled up blankets, sides of tubs, corners of tables. I'd always been super embarrassed of how I masturbate, and saw it as childish and silly. Maybe because that's how I started making myself feel good at a young age, and just never really changed methods. My views were reinforced in my Psychology of Human Sexuality course, where we learned of Freud's theory that clitoral orgasms were immature and even indicative of mental illness. Even though this theory has been thoroughly debunked, it stuck with me and added to my insecurity.

Anyhow, I tossed and turned that night and had a fantastic hump session and a few lovely orgasms the next morning after Mandy left for class. When I saw her later that evening, I had worked up the courage to ask about the night before.

"Hey Mandy. So, I hope you don't think I'm weird, but I heard you last night... umm," I stammered.

Mandy blushed a little, but quickly recovered.

"You heard me getting off?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess that's what it was," I answered, acting coy for some reason. "It sounded like fun," I added, mentally kicking myself for how stupid I sounded.

"Yes... it was nice," she said with a chuckle, sounding a bit confused. "Don't you masturbate?" she asked.

"I mean, yeah, I do. But, like, I guess I'm in a rut? I only really have one way of doing it, and I've sort of wanted to branch out. It sounded like you were using a vibrator?"

"Sure, don't you have one?" she asked.

"Well, no. I've never really... seen one," I mumbled, my face reddening.

"Girl, you are sooo missing out! We need to get you a vibrator, stat!" she said, and we both laughed.

"Wait, you know what? I remember hearing about some kind of women's masturbation workshop this sex shop gives. Why don't you go to that?" Mandy inquired.

"Oh, I don't know..." I started, before she interrupted me.

"Come on! Don't be a baby, this is something that could drastically improve your quality of life! I'll even go with you if you want."

Hearing Mandy's excitement at the idea made me feel excited too. So I agreed, and she signed us up to attend the first class together.


And here we are. Or, more accurately, there I was, waiting for Mandy outside the adult store called The Fuck Stop. I alternated between wanting to wring Mandy's neck and wanting to die of mortification. If you couldn't tell, I don't come from the most sex-positive background. I'd had sex with three guys, but never really enjoyed it or felt I could let loose. So I was nervous and embarrassed, but I also wanted to do this for myself. After all, being in college was about experiencing new things, right? I mustered every bit of resolve I could and entered the store.

I was first struck by the surprising size of the store, and next by its inviting aura. It was not dingy or seedy at all, as I'd imagined a sex shop would be. A tall, broad guy with close-cropped black hair approached me. He was wearing a black polo shirt with THE FUCK STOP embroidered in white.

"Hello miss," he said with a friendly smile. "Can I help you find anything today?"

I felt a hot wave of shame involuntarily wash over me. The employee was really attractive and the way he towered over me made me feel like a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar.

"Umm, well... I... I'm here for—" I stuttered, loath to finish my sentence.

"Ahh," he nodded reassuringly. "Are you here for the ladies' class?"

I nodded, and my eyes silently thanked him for his tamed-down version of the class name.

"Great, right this way, miss," he said and guided me toward the back of the store with his hand on my lower back. I noticed my crotch tingle a little at the sensation of his firm touch. We walked quite a ways between aisles stocked with lubes, leather, lacy thigh-highs, dildos, and a bunch of other sex stuff I couldn't begin to imagine the use of.

We reached the back corner of the store which had a sizable square area curtained-off with dark but semi-sheer maroon drapes. There were two women who appeared to be an employee and a manager chatting outside the draped entry.

"Penny," my escort interrupted, "Miss... I'm sorry doll, what's your name?"

"June," I scratched out.

"And I'm Brad," he responded, smiling. "Miss June is here for your class. You'll take good care of her, won't you Penny?"

"Of course!" Penny said. "Welcome June, we're glad to have you here."

My tense body softened a little and I started to feel a little more relaxed. This seemed like a safe and comfortable place with people who wanted to help.

Brad looked down at me and his hand moved from my low back down to my shorts-clad butt. He cupped one cheek and patted me a couple times. The tingle in my crotch returned, but this time bloomed upwards to my belly button.

"Well, you girls have fun!" he said, before walking back toward the front of the store.

The manager-looking lady said another quick word to Penny and gave me a smile before taking her leave as well.

Penny, also in the black uniform, was short and petite with platinum blonde hair. She was very slim and I gauged her to be in her late-20s or early 30s. She was pretty, with a professional looking blowout and expertly done makeup. Her bust jutted out quite a bit in the polo shirt she was wearing and I surmised she had breast implants since they were so incongruous with her tiny frame.

"Come on in, June," she said, pulling back one of the dark curtains. "Most everyone is here already."

I walked inside and as my eyes adjusted to the low light, I observed the interior to look like a harem den. In addition to the drapes, there were mounds of pillows of a variety of sizes and textures covering the floor. There was soft music playing that reminded me of the type used in my yoga classes. There were four women already there, sitting a little timidly among the piles of pillows. They were of varying age and appearance, but all were attractive in their own ways. As I made my way to an available area, another woman came rushing up, seeming harried. She apologized to Penny, stating that work kept her late, but Penny reassured her that she was just in time. The woman took a seat in an unoccupied corner of the den, and Penny followed her in.

"Welcome ladies!" Penny exclaimed. "We have one more that signed up but hasn't arrived yet. But it's time to get started, so we'll hope she shows up soon."

I felt myself blushing as I knew the absentee student was my friend, Mandy. Oh well, I thought, no one can see me blushing in here. Penny asked us to rearrange ourselves in a loose circle, which we did.

"Thank you all for coming. I'm hoping we can learn a thing or two about "coming" this evening," Penny said with a wink. A few nervous chuckles followed.

"I like to start these classes by having the participants introduce themselves and say why they're here and what they hope to get out of the class."

Oh, fuck, I thought. I was having flashbacks to the first day of school and the awkwardness of those ice-breaker exercises the teachers always made us do. I wondered if the other women felt the same. Luckily, the most mature (both literally and figuratively) of the group spoke up first.

She was a real MILF-type, to use my stupid younger brother's terminology. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and big tits that were evident under her nice silk blouse. Thick and curvy, both motherly and sexy at the same time.

"Hello, I'm Anne. I'm forty-four and here because I recently got divorced and want to-ahem-get my mojo back!" Anne looked toward Penny to see if that intro was acceptable.

Penny nodded and said, "Fantastic, welcome Anne! We'll help you get your mojo back in no time!"

Sitting next to Anne, the last woman to arrive introduced herself. She was wearing a sleek business suit and appeared to be half-Asian, her black hair shiny and prim in a barrette at the nape of her neck. She was very polished, but I couldn't tell much about her body underneath her suit.

"Hi, I'm Kira, twenty-seven. I decided to come to this class because... well because my career is my priority right now and I don't have time to date. I thought I might improve my uhh... self-care practices."

Next was a woman, quite a bit younger, with kind of a punky appearance. Her short hair was dyed purple and she had on rainbow thigh-high socks with tennis shoes. With all of that and her crop-top, she looked like a club kid. Cute though, with nice, perky tits. I remember wondering at this point when I'd started taking such a keen eye toward women's appearances. I thought my observations had gotten a bit lewd and was surprised by that.

"Hey, I'm Kimmy," the club girl said. "I'm twenty-three. I'm actually lesbian—I hope that's okay?" she asked and looked toward Penny, who gave her a reassuring nod. "I'm here because I want to learn more about female pleasure and how to give more to my girlfriend. As well as myself," she added with a wry smile.

"Good. Welcome, Kimmy!" Penny said.

The next woman to speak up looked about as nervous as I felt. She had lovely, flowing auburn hair, and was dressed casually. She had a somewhat athletic build, but with shapely curves.

"I'm Melissa," she said. "I am thirty-two, and married, but..." she faltered and looked down. "I don't know, I guess I'm not very satisfied... in the area of... sex. I have needs... that I would like to learn to take care of...myself."

I felt a little embarrassed for her, mostly because she looked so painfully self-conscious.

Penny said, "I'm glad you came, Melissa. I hope we can help you get what you're looking for."

It was then I noticed Penny's repeated use of "we" when describing the class activities. I wondered if there would be another instructor joining her, or if it was just a collective way of referring to the class, or what.

Next came a tarty young-thing, all tits and ass in a skimpy sundress. Her blonde curls spilled over one side of her face, which accentuated her bronzed skin and glossy, pouty lips.

"Hi everyone, I'm Emma. I'm eighteen. I'm horny, like, all the time. My parents always catch me playing with myself and my mom suggested I find a way to "be more discreet" about it. I didn't really know what she meant, but I looked up this class anyway, to maybe learn new and fun ways to feel good. I mean, I fuck guys and everything, but you know, they can't really scratch the itch like I can do for myself."

"Wow, nice. Well, welcome, Emma," Penny said, and then turned toward me.

I gulped hard. Here was my moment of truth. I decided to go ahead and speak honestly since, after all, I was about to be masturbating in the presence of these women.

"Hello, I'm June and I'm nineteen. My roommate, who is actually supposed to be here too, turned me on to this class. I decided to come because I've only used one method of masturbating my whole life—humping things. I'm kind of embarrassed about it, because it seems so childish. So I wanted to learn some other ways of getting off."

Whew! It was all out there, and I felt surprisingly okay with that.

Penny said, "Actually June, humping is a very common way for females to achieve orgasm. It's not weird or childish at all, and I bet some of the other ladies here also use this method."

I looked around a saw several nods from my classmates. I instantly felt my tense shoulders relax and I began to feel genuinely comfortable.

"Okay, thank you all for sharing. It's great to meet all of you, and I'm so glad you're all here today" Penny said. "We are going to start with a short meditation to help you all relax and get into 'the zone.' Let us all close our eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths... Good. Now I want you to turn your focus inward and imagine something that turns you on. It could be a past sexual encounter... a particularly hot scene from porn you watched... even a fantasy about a random stranger..."

As Penny's words faded into the background, my mind conjured up an image of the tall, dark, Brad. I focused on capturing the feeling of his big, strong hand on my lower back and ass, and shivered as I remembered his touch. I had effectively replicated that moment in my mind, except now, his hand crept even lower. It was now underneath my shorts, between my ass cheeks, and inching toward the wet spot now forming in my panties.

Penny's words entered my consciousness again. "As your mind is filled with your delicious fantasy, I want you to start doing whatever feels good to you... Feel free to shed items of clothing now, as much as you are comfortable with... Go ahead and start moving or touching yourself in the ways you normally do."

In my mind, Brad had moved to the front of my body and was helping me take my top off. I went ahead and took my shirt off in real life, too. He then knelt down so he was level with my chest and pressed his face between my bra-clad tits. He grabbed my ass once more and moved to begin slowly pulling down my shorts, kissing my breasts as he did. I also slid my shorts down my legs in real life.

I noticed that after sliding my shorts off, I re-situated myself in a kneeling position atop the pillow I had been sitting on. As I imagined Brad kissing a trail down my abdomen and reaching the top of my panties, I started slowly moving my hips back and forth, lightly rubbing my panty-covered pussy on the pillow. God, this felt so naughty, but I was really beginning to feel horny.

Dream-Brad slid my panties to the side and ran his big finger along the length of my smoothly-shaven slit. I lowered myself a bit and ground my pussy harder into the pillow. I could feel my clit starting to harden and fill with a delightful heat. In my mind I could feel him pulling my panties all the way over, about to take his first lick. I was about to start really humping to cum, when I heard Penny's voice again.

"Wonderful job, ladies. I can see you are all enjoying your fantasies. When it feels comfortable to do so, please bring your attention back to the present moment. Open your eyes when you are ready and feel grounded."

Her instruction caused my horny scenario to dissolve and I took a couple of deep breaths before opening my eyes. When I did, I looked around the circle and saw my classmates in various states of undress and activity. Kimmy had her skirt pulled up and seemed to have been rubbing her pussy with her fingers through her panties. Melissa had taken her shirt off and was sitting on her butt, but with a pillow pulled up to her pussy. Perhaps she had been grinding it in a different position? Emma was totally naked and so wet I could see her juices smeared all over her glistening cunt. I felt my own pussy twitch at that sight and was curious, but not dismayed about my reaction.

Penny started again, "While you girls were meditating, I brought over our 'treasure chest' here." She pointed at a large box in front of her. "There are a variety of toys here for you to peruse, and wet wipes to clean them in between uses. Keep in mind, you certainly don't have to use any toys. Many women prefer to use their fingers instead. As you pass the box around, I will be talking about the basics of female masturbation. If you have any questions, feel free to interrupt me."

Kira got the first look into the box and began taking out and sizing up different sex toys.

Penny continued with the lecture portion. "While the vast majority of women climax through clitoral stimulation, some women can achieve vaginal orgasms, especially via the G-spot..."

Kira chose a realistic-looking black cock dildo and was handing it almost like she was stroking a real cock. Anne received the box next and started rummaging through it.

"...And don't forget there are many different positions to use when playing with yourself. Sitting up with your legs spread, prone, that is lying face down and reaching behind you, oh, and squatting down is a favorite of mine..."

Anne chose something that looked like a chain with two clamps on either end. For the nipples perhaps? That didn't sound too pleasurable to me, but to each her own!

Melissa looked through the chest next and chose a very small device I assumed to be a vibrator, only about the size of a pill bottle.

"...Some women enjoy stimulating the anus for masturbation, with or without another means of stimulating the clit or vagina..."

Huh... that might be interesting, I thought. Then again, that might be a little too advanced for me at this stage.

The box was passed to me and I looked through its offerings. One sparked my interest: a device that sort of looked like a curved dildo, but had an extra piece coming off the side. I figured the bigger part goes into your pussy and the smaller part is to put on your clit. I chose that one due to the novelty factor and passed the box to Kimmy.

Kimmy picked an item that looked a lot like a large pink microphone. And true to form, Emma chose a gigantic, veiny cock, complete with balls.

"Good, I see everyone has found something to play with," Penny said. "Now take a minute to familiarize yourself with your toy. Look it over, find its switch, if it has one. Imagine how your toy will feel in or on you once it is in use."

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