tesrs of relief

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Can I be real for a sec y'all
Ooa I recently had my heart broke I mean bad.
I mean we was fine they told me I didn't have to worry and then. They was making moves that didn't sit well with me

I prepared myself for heart break which was a mistake next thing I knew

I was screaming at the top of my lungs into a pillow that was covered in tears and mucus
  I never thought. In a million years this person would do me like this

And they did
And it hurt.

I been walking around the house quiet holding it in when I'm at work being positive smiling when I really try not to cry

Then my brother being shot  ran over twice and beat in the head with a bat

I couldn't I was at my end wits

And it hurt no body is there when I need to talk when I do they always got something to say and never  just sit and listen.

Well I'm tired I found a best friend in my father who has always been here but I can't talk to no one when I'm up late nights crying and everyone else in the world is sleep

I have to pray and ask Jesus to help me because I can always feel his spirit   and talk with him so as I rest my eyes for tn I pray over you all
Ever relationship broken
Rather family or friends or dating
For the liars cheaters. Heart breakers for the  wrong doers I ask that there be a  quickin they spirit to turn around and be strong and not give into temporary  temptations but eternal righteousness. 

It may not make since to some of you but those who read this you  and all that is attached to you shall be protected by the blood of Jesus.

I won't at anyone

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