PT 2

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Something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I whipped around, feeling as though I had been caught in the act of something, and realized that I was standing next to the projector’s booth. A small window allowed the flicker of the old-fashioned projector to escape – that must have been what caught my eye. I was about to move on and continue to the bathroom, when I saw something else that made me stop in my tracks.

The projectionist. A man, a little older than me – dark hair, a strong jaw, arms that were toned but not bulging – his eyes were fixed to the screen, and I could see his hand moving just below my line of sight. My jaw dropped. Was he…?

It was just then that he looked up at me, and our eyes locked, and I knew that he had seen me. He stopped what he was doing, and strode over to the door that divided us. My heart was racing. He’d had just the same reaction as me…

He pulled the door open. He looked even better without the pane of glass between us. I let my eyes travel down his body – I could see the bulge in his pants, and I felt that heat grow even more intense.

“Can I help you?” He asked. I let my gaze land back on his face.

“Yeah,” I replied. “I think you can.”

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