neighbors and i

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"Sure, by all means." After several taps on my screen, she picks up her own phone and answers a call.

"Now I have yours. So, I'll call you? Or text you probably. I'm not sure. I'll see you around though, okay?" she manages to chuckle out.

"Yeah, sure thi-", was all I could say before she whisked away, "Wait! I didn't get your name!" I yell across the parking lot.


"Now I could've sworn you wanted this ice cream just as badly as us, and you were dying to see this movie! What happened to you?"

I couldn't get my mind off her. She was beautiful, and all I wanted to do was get to know her better. It took a stabbing poke to my arm before I woke out of my trance.

"You okay Dana?" I looked up to find my roommate truthfully concerned. He stared into my eyes, searching for an answer. I hated myself for everything I didn't- couldn't- tell him.

"I'm fine Ezra. Just a little flustered I guess."

"You met someone." a higher voice rang out from my other roommate as she stepped through the sliding doors into the den with us. Alex was maybe 2 inches taller than me with long brown hair. Her eyes were the color of amber, and her nose was pierced on the left with a gold ring. Admittedly sometimes I forgot just how nice her body is. I had always been attracted to Alex, but she always envied my toned body. We began working out four times a week, and within no time she had developed tone muscle throughout her entire body. Once her confidence caught up to her looks she lost most care for covering herself completely, especially at home. Tonight the "V" from her abs was clearly visible due to her extremely low riding silk pajama pants and her perky C cup boobs were sitting high on her chest above the camisole that complemented the pants. Three years ago Alex and I met in a Biology class thanks to her best friend at the time, Christina. Originally I thought Christina was cute so I talked to her first. They were attached at the hip though, so as I got to know Christina I also got to know Alex. Admittedly, I fell in love with her. It wasn't worth me ever telling her though. She was as straight as ever, guys threw themselves at her so she was hardly single, and I truthfully enjoyed her company as just a friend. That's all we will ever be, and I think I'm okay with that. I think. Anyway, after a dramatic scandal between Alex and Christina, Alex and I found great friendship and by the start of the second school year we were roommates. We found a wonderful three story townhouse with 3 bedrooms not far from campus, and we maintained it quite well for 2 and a half years. When we realized that we'd bit off more than we could handle, we agreed we needed another roommate. A guy surely wasn't the first ideal choice we had, but after we got to know him, it turned out he fit better with us than we'd thought. He could cook, clean, throw the best parties, and his sense of fashion dwarfed most others. All these attributes were credited to the fact that he is flaming gay, making him a wonderful gossip partner as well.

"It wasn't like that Alex." I say as she makes her way to the couch I sat on. She sat so close to me that she was practically in my lap, but I didn't mind. We were always affectionate with each other.

"Boy or girl?" Ezra asked, rotating his position on the floor so that he was facing me.

I've known since I was 13 that there was something more than just being a tomboy for me. I dated my first girl in my freshman year of high school, then spent the next two years attempting to cope with the breakup. I dated several guys in the midst of all this, leading me to the conclusion that I am bisexual. It's not an equal split, I lean heavily towards men and care to be in relationships only with them, but there's always this lustful drive towards women that forced me to deviate now and again.

"Girl, a very pretty girl." I fixate my eyes on my lap, hoping to hide the smile that creeps across my face.

"Ooh so what's her name? How old is she? Where does she-"

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