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Days turn to weeks and Senzo is not talking to me. Tracy is not talking to me. Work is just miserable. I'm miserable.
It's raining today and winter is creeping in. I wish I had put on pants, but I'm in a white dress, just below the knees and I'm freezing.
I have a headache, my nose is running. I just wish I was in bed. It doesn't help that I'm yellow, it's evident on my face that I'm not well. I see my boss walking to me

Mrs Smit: Penny jy lyk nie so goed nie.
Me: Ek weet tanie. Ek voel so naar.
Smit: Did you just call me tanie?
Me: Hahaha hahaha
Smit: Take the rest of the day off. Just take some Corenza and sleep. You'll be better tomorrow.
Me: Thank you June. I'll call you in the morning  if there is no change.
How am I even going to get home. I'm leaving my car here. I honestly just want to cry. Senzo is in the building but he moved from his desk next to me. I just need him to take me home.
I call him

Me: Hi
Senzo: What do you want?
I just start crying. From wherever he was in the building he races to me.
Him: Baby what is wrong? Please don't cry.
Me: ...... I... I...
Him: I love you, please don't cry. I love you Pee
DAMNIT!!! I start sobbing now.
Me: .... pl.. please...  t... ta.... take me home.
He grabs my things and leads me to his black Ranger. I climb up.
Me: Please switch on the heater I'm freezing.

Silence fills the car, the warmth takes over and I doze off. I wake up so relaxed. I must be dreaming, the bed at the hotel has never been this comfortable, plus I checked out this morning. This blanket is so warm. I'm wearing a t-shirt. It's kinda tight. I suddenly jump up. Where am I? He walks in carrying a tray. Soup
Oh man. This guy though.

Me: Senzo what am I doing in your house?
Him: .....
Me: Khuluma ndoda ngikumamele(Talk man)
Him: Baby you fell asleep and I didn't know where to go.
Me: You should've woken me up or called a friend.

A door closes and a loud voice is calling outside.
Voice: Babe I'm home!!! Babe. Buthelezi ukephi!!! Love!!!
Him: SIHT!!!!
All eyes out. I swear all the chocolate got drained from his face


My worst nightmare. What in pete's name is she doing here. Penny doesn't seem moved by this. Actually I can't read her face. She still looks as pale as she did when I found her at her desk. I wonder what is wrong with my love. I should take care of her. I should nurse her back to health. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. How now when the demon is here. I can hear her footsteps approaching. She's at the door. No knock. She just barges in..... My worst nightmare...

Thandi: Baby who is this?
Whoaaa that stomach!!! She doesn't even greet. Wait what is this?
Me: Thandi uzithwele?(you're pregnant?)
She just laughs at me and moves her attention to my heart. Wait she looks weaker than she did when we got here.
Thandi: Dade ngicela ukuphumula, ulele phezu kwami.(Lady move I need to sleep)
Penny doesn't need to be told twice, she jumps out of bed. I'm just frozen. I'm staring at the bump. Everything happens in slow motion and my Penny is on the floor.
Thandi: Perfect. Please remove your trash.
She snaps her fingers in my face.
I jump, suddenly awakened from my trance. I rush to my wardrobe, grab my gown and cover her.

I run out with her in my arms. I didn't know I was superman. But I couldn't feel her weight. My queen is not tiny. In fact she's quite thick. But I rush to the car and fly to hospital. They attend to her quickly and she's whisked away to Lord knows where. Now I'm stuck. Who do I call? Her husband? Her parents? I go through my work emails and find one from Tracy, luckily her number is included in her signature.

Tracy: Mr project manager. What can I do for you. I'm sure your car was not at the lot when I left work.
Me: Hi madam. We have a problem.
Tracy: We do?
Me: I'm at the hospital. Penny was just admitted.
Her: Wait, wait. What?
Me: She collapsed. She's unconscious. Who do I call? What do I do?
I'm so close to tears. I'm at a loss. I love her so much. What could be wrong with her. I'm disturbed by a screaming Tracy. I forgot I was on the phone.
Her: Where are you? I'm coming.
I send her my location and sink to the floor, my head burried in my knees.

She rushes in, followed by a light skinned man. They rush to me.
Dude: Ukuphi?(Where is she?)
Me: She's inside
Dude: What did you do to my wife?
Oh this must be the famous Tshepo. I don't know how to respond.
Tshepo: Ngithe umenzeni umfazi wami?(I said what did you do to my wife?)
Me: I was just helping out a friend.
Just then a doctor approaches.
Doctor: Mother and babies are fine. She was dehydrated and malnutritioned. Her blood pressure is also sky high. We are running more tests and have sedated her. Her brain is overworking itself. She's at risk... so much can go wrong.
Tracy: Doctor, can we see her?
Doc: No. I don't even want her sensing or smelling what put her here. At the moment I don't know who stressed out that young woman out so much. She hasn't eaten in days so my patient first. You come see her in 21 days.
All of us: 21 days???
Tshepo: Never, that's my wife.
Doc: Do you want her to survive?
Tshepo: Of course. I l....
Doc: Then it's settled. 3 weeks


They walk out slowly. So defeated. No one is speaking. No one is looking at the next. Each thinking about their contribution to the situation. Penny is forever smiling, therefore no one can comprehend what could have pushed her over the edge.


Oh my God what have I done. I kicked her out of the house. I moved Mpho in. She's pregnant. My first borns. He had so many things running through his mind. He jumped into into his X6 and sped off.


She's my best friend. I love her so much. Will she forgive all the gossip I spread in the office. Not speaking to her. Ignoring her calls and messages. Tears were now streaming down her face.


Thandi must leave.

THIS TIMETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang