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I drove out at top speed, blinded by tears. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't understand how I was feeling. Tears and me in one sentence??? Only when I'm making them cry.

My name is Tshepo Zikalala. I am a 36 year old Cardiothoracic Surgeon. I just qualified 6 months ago. After studying for over 15 years.

When doing my final year in varsity,  I met the queen of my heart. She was my everything till we found ourselves working in the same hospital. Her, a high flying CA. Chief Financial officer while I was cementing my strides in my speciality. She kept on undermining me at work, I needed her gone. I gave her an ultimatum. Walk away from your career or walk away from us. She chose me. From the day she walked out of that hospital, she lost all value in my eyes. All of it. I just found better out there.

Now I need to talk to someone regarding this 21 psych stay. I've never heard of it on a person that hadn't tried to commit suicide. That dude is just a GP or something. Let me get a specialist to consult. Let me call my psychiatrist friend.

Me: Thabs my man
Thabile: Uthini ntwana?
Me: I'm coming over. Are you home?
Thabile: At the hospital man, special case brought me out. Ungifuna nini. You can come through later I'm just meeting the attending, then I'm yours. 2 hours tops.
Me: Sho
He hangs up

I should park somewhere. I've been driving for over an hour. Mpho and I had a dinner date today. I promised I'd get home at 18:00. I was actually driving into the yard when Tracy called me. I'm sure she saw me make a u-turn at the gate and speed off because she's been calling me non-stop. I don't want to talk to her. What do I even say? It's over between me and my soulmate.... but I'm here over thinking everything. I'm rambling in my brain. By myself. Oh God I've lost marbles. I have a private ward e Sterkfontein Mental hospital waiting for me. My phone rings again, but why can't this woman leave me alone. It's not her.

Me: Thabile
Him: I'm at Lyndhurst Medical Centre. Come see me.
Me: On my way.
What is he doing there though
30 minutes later I find him. He's with the 21 day idiot.
Idiot: We meet again Mr Zikalala
Thabz: Hi Tshepo as you might have guessed, I've been roped in to take on your wife's case. Is that why you were looking for me?
Me: Yeah. Your man here says I can only see her after 21 days.
Thabz: Justin but now that is a bit extreme. She needs love around her. We need to pull her back.
Justin: Look man when that lady was brought in she hadn't eaten in days, her organs were shutting down. Her BP readings man!! I mean her systolic reading was above 210. I don't know how she's alive honestly. Maybe 21 is extreme, but I will bring her back from the sleep after monitoring her and rehydrating her and then you will take over. When you are satisfied. Only then can they come in.
Thabz: Tshepo my man I hear what her doctor says and will let you know. Maybe not 21 days, but give us time to do our bit.
I throw my hands in the air in surrender, I've already put her here. Let me let them be. I walk out without a word and drive myself to The Four Seasons. I don't want to see anyone. I book in and send an email to my boss. I won't be available for a month. Let me reflect.


Me: Sawubona Jimmy
Jimmy: Yebo dokotela.(yes doctor)
Me: Ngidinga inqola kusasa emini lapha kwami, nomshayeli. Uzothola izimpahla ngaphandle azithwale azise la ngizomtshela khona.(I need a car tomorrow at my house, with a driver. He should collect the things he will find outside and drive them to the stipulated destination)
Jimmy: Yebo mnumzane.(Yes sir)
Me: Then contact the security company to change all the codes.
Jimmy: Yikho konke boss(Is that all?)
Me: No, then change all the locks, even the sliding doors and security gates.
Jimmy: Sho boza yami(sure boss)
Me: Tell Susan to remove all the bedding in all the bedrooms and burn it, then go out and buy new ones. She knows boss lady's style and preference. Wait leave that one let's get an interior designer to work with her. I want new everything.
Jimmy: I know just the guy for this sir. I'm on it.
Me: Thank you. Bye.


Susan: Good evening sir.
Me: Susan when that lady leaves for work make sure all her belongings are packed in suitcases. Not even a button must be left behind. Then put it outside.
Susan: Yes sir
Me: Everything. Do you hear me.
Susan: Yes sir.

I sms Jimmy the forwarding address.

I feel like I've woken up from a trance. I don't know what was wrong with me. How did I forget my love. How did I forget? How are we even here? I need sleeping pills, I take 2, shower and hit the sack. The no disturbance sign is on. I'm out like a light.


I was in a tight grey lace ensamble. It barely covered my butt, just the way he likes it. I saw his car drive in and got wet immediately. Then he made a u-turn and vanished. His phone was on, but ringing unanswered. Now it's after midnight and he's not back. I try him again and Jane answers: The subscriber you have dialed is not available at present, please try again later. Let me make another call. After the 4th ring she picks up.
Me: Mama
Her: Mpho ka nakwe?(At this time)
Me: He's gone mama. They took him.
I'm sobbing now.
Her: What do you mean? Who is gone?
Me: Our meal ticket.
I explain my whole evening to her.
Her: Hayi you stress too much, I'm sure it's a medical emergency and he's in surgery. You know he's in high demand. One of the best and youngest in his field.
I still don't believe her
Her: We went to Ghana, got the best. Nana Osimolowo is the best. You did follow all the instructions right? The only thing that could save him is if that fat bitch incubated his sperm. We know she won't be able to produce the heir to save him. They stopped having sex many many moons ago. We made sure he doesn't get turned on by her. Let's wait.
I hang up calmer and fall asleep.

I wake up in the morning. No missed calls. I get ready and go to work. I notice there's 2 extra maids and seem extra busy, but who knows in this house. I see the Audi I ussualy drive has not been taken out. But there's a black SUV with tinted windows waiting for me. Oh I have a driver today. He gets me to work in no time. I'm encouraged, atleast he's thinking about me.
I get so busy during the day, I forget my problems and I'm the last one out.
There's only 1 car in the parking, my run down A- class. I haven't seen this car since we got back from Ghana. Security gives me a small package. In it are my car keys, my house keys. A cheque for 10 000 rands and a note. It reads:


I drive to our house. My remote was connected to my Audi keys so I have to step to the gate. The lights are on. But no-one sees me. No one helps me. There's people moving up and about, but I'm ignored. I've turned invisible. I drive to my old house. It's super clean, I can smell fresh paint. The tenants have moved out. All my clothes are here. All the furniture I picked out in his house is here. I'm so confused. . I drive home to my mom's. I will get to Mafikeng in no time.

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