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I've been at this hotel for days now. I'm not sure how many. My house has been redone, including a nursery adjoining the main bedroom. The walls are yellow and it's themed. The honey loving teddy bear and his mates. There's a big mural of them on the wall. I'm numb. I've been trying to strategize on how to get Penny back. I know I pushed her into another man's arms. Lord help me. I've never been more nervous. More terrified. I wake up in cold sweats everytime I sleep. That's it. I'm going home. I haven't seen them in forever. I pack my siht and head out. What will they say when they see me?

After the long drive to KZN I'm parked in front of the compound, a guard comes to the window, he doesn't know the car and it's tinted.
Guard 1: I'm sorry sir. Open the gate.
I drive in, it starts raining. I don't remember any clouds, but this is one of the reasons I left this place. I'm a scientist now, I don't have time for this crap. The second I step out of the car, everything goes black and I land on the floor .
I hear a voice from far
Voice: I told you he'd be back. Take him to his room.
Voice 2: No, take him to my hut ugcwele ukungcola(He's tainted, riddled in dark spirits) . Lay him ocansini sengilungisile.(on the reed mat, I've prepared for him)
From then I'm consumed by darkness.


Andile Zikalala had not been himself in a long time. Even picking up a name his family did not know. He had thrown out his family beading. Lost his way completely. But celebrations were underway, the prodigal son had returned. His mother had been praying non-stop for this moment. Dedicating a day a week to prayer and fasting for her last born son.

Andile was fast asleep, it had been 3 days since he arrived. He was in that hut. Lord knows what babu Zulu was doing to him. Zulu went to the hills yesterday, returning with a full bag and in his hut he went. The family was stressed out, his mom glued to her prayer corner. What in heaven's name was wrong with their son?

Zulu called a family meeting, the parents, all the son's and daughters of the house were summoned. From all over the country they had all come to welcome their baby bother home. All 6 of them, with their spouses and children. All the adults gathered in the auditorium, baba had it added to the house as he saw how big his brood was.
Zulu: Bo Mvelase, Angeke ngimoshe isikhathi. Indodane encane izithole ikusimo esibi kakhulu. Ilale nolwabishi olunukayo.(I won't waste your time. Your baby brother has ruined his life. He slept with the wrong woman.)
Everyone gasps, thinking he is talking about Penny.
Zulu: Angisho ingoduso yakhe.(I'm not talking about his fiancé)
Everyone's hands were now on their heads, shocked, as the love between the two was unmatched. They were serious goals.
Zulu: Umuthi ombhuqayo unzima kakhulu, bengihlangene nomfowethu ezintabeni siyihlaziya. Uzosizakala, kodwa udinga usizo lwenu nonke.(The spell he's under is very powerful, but I consulted with my brother in the mountains, he will be healed. He just needs all your help)
They are relieved at the news and agree to help. All of them are given assignments and they head out.

Mazikalala: Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I glorify your name o Lord. I give you all the honour and praise Jehova.
Her task is to stay in constant prayer. What would we be without mama's prayers.

Sibusiso: Mfowethu is everything set?
Xolani: Yes it is. Can you believe this shit though?
Sbu: We should have paid more attention.
Xolani: He's the sweetest of us all man. He doesn't deserve this.
Sbu: Ha I thought I was the hit in the house.
Xolani: Bloody comedian. I can't believe he stepped out on imedi yakhe. He needs the love lecture again.
Sbu: This is the best lesson.
Xolani: Too harsh if you ask me. MaSibiya doesn't deserve this.
Sbu: He may have started this, but they are both victims.
X: Yah neh. I was looking at this hottie from work. I'm over the little crush. From today if I see her walking towards me, I will run the opposite direction. Strus bhob.
They burst out laughing.

They get to the office park and find Anna waiting for them.
Xolani: Is it all there?
Her: Yes, 5 sets were stored and none removed.
Xolani: Do you know when he did this?
Her: Actually a Ms Lerole brought them over a 2 week period.
Sbu: Thank you. Please take this and get sweets for your kids; Handing her an envelope with 10k
Her: I didn't actually want compensation.
Sbu: Please. And its not for you, it's for the kids.
They drive off.
Xolani: How many more?
Sbu: Just 1.
They got there found a young man that gave them the package. They gave him the envelope and drove back home.
Babu Zulu took the packages and threw them in a fire he had set in the hut. The flames turned green, then red, then blue.
Zulu: 1st part complete.


I drove into my mom's driveway and knocked on the door. I have a key, but I don't want to freak her out. I know she's not expecting me. I'm at the door over 5 minutes, I guess she's sleeping. But she comes to open.
Mom: Mpho?
Me: Hi mom
Mom: What are you doing here. Why didn't you call? I would have sent a driver.
I just broke down. She led me in and I told her everything.
Mom: plan B child. Don't cry. You will get him back. I wonder how he got help. That fat bitch is not pregnant. Let's go to bed we'll sort it out in the morning.
We shared a bed.
When I woke up I was by myself, I get up and there's a pregnancy test next to me. Use me. I smile and head to the bathroom. I've been trying for months to get pregnant. All our condoms had holes. Fool. He let me take care of our protection. Ach only 1 line.
Me: Damnit
Mom: Nothing again.
I nod.
Mom: We will make an appointment with doctor Ned.
We head to the kitchen for breakfast and spend the day strategizing.

Our appointment is in 12 days, in the meantime I'm eating as advised. I'm expecting a package with the hormone treatment injections to stimulate fertility. My gynae said all is fine, although we should've taken the hormone treatments longer, IVF should take. My mom will inject me as I'm afraid of needles. The time goes by fast and I'm so moody, but my mom is a star. When we tried to call Nana in Ghana he told us straight never to call him again because we've ruined him. I wonder what he is on about.
The day of the procedure has arrived. We travel to Johannesburg and the car is taking longer than it should. I'm so anxious.
Doctor: I'm sorry Ms Lerole, but I dont have the required donor specimen.
Mom: What do you mean? We brought 5 packs.
Doctor: We know. All of them have been checked out. We checked the footage and there's no proof of any of that happening. It's as if they just vanished.
My mom sits down defeated.
Me: Mom don't worry I did this 4 times.
I make a call to each hospital, but get the same outcome. All Tshepo's sperm is gone. Without a trace. But how? Who could've known? This plan was foolproof. The fool didn't even notice I was juicing him in his sleep. I call the doctor back  to the consulting room. 
Me: Doctor use anything, he won't know the difference.

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