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It's been 4 weeks since the procedure. The longest month of my life. I want to take the home pregnancy test so bad, but the doctor told me to wait. Today is my doctor's appointment. I can't wait to drop the bomb on Tshepo. The fool is not taking my calls. He's blocked my number and blocks every number I try use. If he thinks I'm going to let him go just like that, he has another thing coming.
We contacted Nana when I got back and he told me it was too late, I should cut my losses, but what does he know. He never witnessed the love we share. No one else has. I'm ready to go. I go to the kitchen and mom is there having breakfast.
Mom: Baby are you ready.
Me: More than!!
Mom: Areye.
We head out.

As soon as we get to the doctor's rooms, they are ready for us. I'm given a cup to pee in and we are led to one of the consultation rooms. My doctor walks in. Congratulations Mpho it worked, you're pregnant. Let's see the progress. I'm expecting ice cold jelly, but his is warm.
Dr: One took.
Me: I'm a bit disappointed. These types of procedures always yield more than 1 baby.
Dr: They do. But it's not uncommon to have just 1.
He gives me a prescription and we make an appointment to see him in 4 weeks time.
My mom is so excited. She's already planning a wedding. I have to wait and grow this baby. Atleast till the third trimester. The Zikalala clan must welcome this prince.


The past 2 months have been refreshing. The morning sickness is gone. I'm just enjoying being a mommy. I give my babies whatever they need. Quite simple really, what they mostly want is bread. Breakfast, lunch and supper, I just eat bread. I wash it down with hot sugar water. It's as if they know we are in this alone. Senzo hasn't tried to call. He hasn't sent me a single message. I know I said he must stay away. But 2 months!! I've given up on us. Thinking about him hurts. Ain't life grand. Valentine's Day came, he said nothing. My birthday, still nothing.

I know you are thinking this bitch is crazy. She doesn't even own a phone. Poor Senzo doesn't even know where she stays. Well he should've tried harder.

Andile on the other hand sends an uber with good night notes. He sent me A Vday gift package. Well for my birthday he broke the rules and showed up at the house. Said something like he knows I love my day and wouldn't want to spend it alone. A simple lunch really with all savoury baked goodies. How this dude knows what I'm craving leaves me in awe. I was in tears throughout lunch. Boy did I enjoy that meal. He has it delivered when I'd like it. I mean if I wake up with my bread in mind, he delivers different breads to the house. If it's roast, then roast is delivered.

Today I'm craving sex. Lots and lots of it. I know Senzo knows how to lay the pipe. But I haven't seen him in 2 months. I can't just show up and ask for it. I don't want Andile in that way today. But I need service. I take a long shower and get dressed in a cute above the knee maxi dress. I'm sure on normal days I'd wear tights with this but today ngiyasha. No knickers in sight either. I'm craving chocolate so I drive to the Engen. I like their 2 for R30 chocolates. I buy that and drive back home. This chocolate had better quench the thirst. As soon as I throw myself on the couch there's a knock on the door.

I open the door only to be met by the best sight ever. He looks bigger, like he's been hitting the gym harder. He's let his hair grow. I honestly hate hair. But he looks so hot right now. I just jump on him and land the biggest kiss. My hulk. He closes the door with his foot and carries me in. My back lands on the nearest wall. He's wearing tracksuit pants. Yey!!! Easy access. I slip my hand in and pull out our MVP for the day. He feels that there's no underwear so he drives in. Drives, rams, strokes. Look my hulk dealt with me. From the wall, to the floor, to the couch. Fireworks y'all. Should I say crisis averted. Thirst quenched. Drought eradicated.


These 2 months have been the longest ever. I miss Penny so much. Thandi tried her best to make me forget her. But couldn't. She gave birth 3 weeks ago and indeed the baby is mine. The paternity test was just a formality the princess looks exactly like me. I wanted to name her ntombikayise. Lol. But who does that these days. I ensured that the divorce is final and bought her a two bedroom townhouse in an exclusive estate. The little garden will be perfect for my princess. For now though she's with her mother in law.

I was driving home from the gym, when the tyre warning light came on, luckily I was right next to a garage. When they were done checking the tryes, which were all fine by the way, she drives past me. I have no time to think, I just follow her. She drives into Thandi's estate, luckily I have the access tag so I follow her in. All the way to this magnificent house fit for her. I watch her disappear into the garage and I park in her driveway. I gather up the courage to walk to her door and knock.

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