Chapter 19: Finals Part 2 (the end)

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I know Kayla's last name is knowles but since she's Will's sister I'm making it Solace lol, even tho Kayla Solace sounds so so wrong

I don't think I put Eros in this yet, I'm pretty sure that was YCSIMH but... oh well.

I'm so deep in the VLD fandom it's impossible for me not to put my beloved lonce in here.

Nico at the 2nd part: fuck being good i'm a bad bitch

Saturday morning I woke up, a foggy haze of sunlight shining through the lightly tinted windows. Will was already awake, staring out into the courtyard view, the light glowing around his silhouette.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look beautiful in the sunlight?" I said, smiling lazily at him. He turned and grinned, and walked to my bed.

"Yes, my gorgeous boyfriend told me," Will said, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I laughed and stood up, "Yesterday was wack."

"My favorite part of last night was when Leo spilled punch on Allura's dress. I don't think I have ever felt fear for someone else before, let alone from someone who is a 5'4" sophomore."

"Not the part where Drew informed us the world famous Eros is their brother?"

Will shrugged, "I wasn't that surprised, everyone in that family is somehow rich, famous or both."

"That's fair. We need to steer clear of the Titans," I said.

"Avoiding a fight? Who are you and where'd Nico go?" Will teased.

I rolled my eyes, "You know I'd love to fuck him up and show him that the Gods are not to be messed with, but I don't desire to be disqualified."

Will kissed my temple, "And I thank you for that. Get ready, we have a full day ahead of us. Something tells me this isn't just going to ride by smoothly."



I had never given it a second thought. It was something high school girls did to wear little skirts and shake their boobs at the bleachers. It was cartwheels and getting drunk at a football players house.

But now, cheerleading was the only thought. Cheerleading was strength, agility, adrenaline, and more posturing then streetball. When I step out onto the floor my boyfriend, my friends, and my schoolmates become something more. They become my team, my backbone, my armour. They become Gods. We are Gods.

We walk as tall as our ponytails through the gym, our eyes locked straight forward. I give Allura, Lance, Keith, Laviana, and Sadie quick nods in acknowledgement. Maybe after we could be friends, but now they are the competition. No, the enemy- competition implies they're good enough to step to us.

When we pass the Titans, I see Luke and Will lock eyes, and understandment, possibly a silent respect goes through the two. They are both captains, trying to lead their team to victory. The only difference was we would be the ones flying home with a trophy in our hands, gold medals gleaming on our necks.

And when it was our turn to take place on the floor, the only sounds I heard were my feet landing on the floor perfectly, my breath shuddering in and out, and the cues of my teammates. I didn't hear the roar of the crowd yelling for us, yelling because we are the best, and every single fucking person in that gym new it. The only thing I saw was where to go next. The places on the floor, the teammates arms that I needed to jump into. I didn't see the judges critiquing eyes on us, trying to hide the shock and astonishment.

No, I didn't see or hear any of it until after. I only regained my sight and my hearing once Will's hand slapped against my back, when the crowd roared, when Piper cried, when Khoine said "In first place we have the Gods!"

When I was no longer femi-Nico, the boy who didn't know the difference between girls and boys clothes. I only heard and saw when I became a God, when I became Nico di Angelo. No, actually, I always was. I regained my sight and my hearing when the world recognized it. We all didn't see that coming, except for Will. Will always knew who I was, which is why I would gladly do it all again for him. But for now, we stand on the floor raising our fists high because we are the Gods.


"Ayyye!" Kayla yelled as Will backflipped off the short wall in front of our school.

Nico rolled my eyes at the siblings, and Kayla's girlfriend, Drew, laughed and took pictures. When the two announced their dating no one was surprised, except Piper maybe who took that as a chance to say, "You're still a slut."

She was smacked for that.

Nico's hair is shorter now, a cute cut that curls under his ears. He;s still short, and his boyfriend is still tall, and the two remain the schools power couple, especially now that Annabeth and Piper are in college. Percy and Jason were never competition for that, they were too annoying.

Things were quieter without the 7, but Kayla, Drew, Alex, and Lacy made up for it, the 4 of them becoming a very chaotic friend group.

Will and Nico enjoy each other's company the most, since not only are they dating but they're best friends. But of course, when the 7 come into town for breaks, the team forms again.

Nico doesn't cheer anymore, he prefers to watch Will do his thing, and use that time to do things he loves more, like art. Freshman year is not his year of glory, and not nearly the best thing he will accomplish. Nico will go on to do great things, with Will by his side.

Lilly shut her book and smiled, "Since I'm unable to finish writing properly, I'm going to end it on this semi- creepy note. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" Lilly snapped the reigns on her sled, and her reindeer took off through the night.

I'd say I'm sorry but that'd be lying.

Wow, it's over. It's really over. If it went on any longer it'd be 2 years of writing.

So uh, thanks for all of the support y'all have given me. This is my first completed Wattpad fanfiction!!!! And there will be more to come!!!! I'm taking a break until June to refresh and mostly because school will be over and also sports will cool down then (hopefully) but in the meantime you should check out You Can Shoot In My Hoop by me. When I come back I might've finished YCSIMH but no promises.

Also make sure you vote and follow

If you have any Solangelo, Klance, Lams, Catradora or any other ship you know I ship fanfics that you're working on, I would love to read and give feedback to you. Or just read.

Aaaad yeah, peace out

- Lillian, Lilly, di Angelo

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