Chapter 6: I've got spirit, how 'bout you? (no)

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I would just like to remind all of you guys that I am a horrible cheerleader, and I know nothing about the moves. I do not know what anything is called, but I try.

Turns out my friends are horrible cheerleaders.

      I mean, Calypso and Hazel are good, but I'm a little concerned about Percy and Piper. Like. More than a little concerned. Extremely concerned. Jason is talented too, and Leo is almost as good as me. Will is the best teacher and team captain, and he lets me wear a skirt and the boys shirt. But I do girl parts in routines because I'm tiny. Today at practice, we all stood around stretching out. Will walked in holding his clipboard, and smiled at us. 

"Alright guys. Let's start with practicing catches and flips. Get into groups of three. 2 boys and a girl or 2 boys and a Nico." Will said. 

Cecil, Will, and I all partnered up and I pushed myself up and flipped into the air. Cecil and Will caught me easily. 

"Nice guys." Will said. 

I smiled them stepped far in front of them. I took a deep breath then did 3 back handsprings, and a flip. Cecil and Will caught me so I was standing on their hands, and I jumped up, did mid air splits, then they caught me in hammock position.

 "Perfect! I should put that in the routine. You two, practice your moves. Imma finish this." Will sat down on the bleachers and began writing stuff.

 I walked over to Piper, Jason, and Leo. Piper was struggling to do her flips. 

"UGH! Why is this so hard??" she cried. 

"Chill Piper. I'll help you." I said, patting her shoulder.

 I showed her how to stand, and how to move and all that. In no time, she was able to do her flip okay. It was a start. I went over to Will to check out what he was doing. 

"Almost done?" I asked him. 

"YES!" he exclaimed

. I jumped back, alarmed. "Wha-what?" I whimpered. 

"I have created the most amazing routine EVER!" he yelled, pumping a fist into the air.

 "Okay then. Care to show us it?" I said. 

"Oh. Right, hehe. You guys! Come over here! The routine is ready!" Will yelled to the rest of the squad. 

Everyone came over, and Will started placing us into our, well, places. Then finally, *Insert super awesome cheerleading routine*  We practiced that about 5 times, then we all decided practice was over. 

"We should do something to celebrate our awesomeness!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Great idea! Everyone, get on your team sweatshirts  we are getting ice cream." Will said. 

"You paying?" Lou Ellen teased. 

"Haha, no." Will said. 

We all grabbed our stuff, agreeing to meet at our fave ice cream shop (just think of ur fave one. ) I got into Will's car, and we drove to the place, everyone behind us in their own cars, or their friends. Arriving, we all ordered ice cream, and took up two booths. Just when we were all having fun, another group came in. They were cheerleaders, with black and dark yellowy gold uniforms. In the front was a guy with shaggy blonde hair, a scar on his face and gold eyes. Next to him was a boy with black hair that flopped over his left eye. I looked closely and saw he didn't actually have an eye there, just an eye patch. Then, there was a guy who was extremely pale and skinny, with light blonde hair, and light blue eyes. Behind them stood 3 girls who looked like triplets, and 2 more girls one with red hair, and another with curly black. The gold eye guy smirked and walked up to us. 

"Move losers. You're in our seats." he said. 

"Is this math class? No it's not, there is no assigned seats." Kayla snapped. 

"Beat it Luke." Cecil added. 

The guy, Luke I guess, rolled his eyes. 

"Get outta here. This is Titan territory." the eyepatch guy growled. 

"Uh, looks like the Gods are here. So, bye bye one eye." Lou Ellen said standing up. 

The rest of us followed her lead, standing up and glaring, I guess to intimidate them or something. The black haired girl stepped forward and eyeballed Lou. 

"Well I mean, fatty here wants to gobble up as much ice cream as she can. I guess cheerleaders over there aren't as pretty as they used to." she said smirking. 

Lou gasped and Piper yelled "Bitch!!" the girl's eyes flashed red, and she flung herself at Piper, but Luke grabbed her arm. 

"Don't waste your time on these sluts Kelli." he said. 

With that, the group stalked away. "Holy fuck. Who are they?" I asked. 

"The Titans. The leader is Luke Castellan. He used to go to our school, but he moved to that school a few years ago. The guy with the eyepatch is Ethan Nakamura. Same story with him. The other dude is Octavian, not sure of his last name, and he goes to our school, but he's on that team. The black one, who was being a bitch, is Kelli. She's a slut. Constantly flirting with everyone, especially Luke. The redhead is her friend Tammi. The three other girls are triplets, and they're Lou Ellen sisters." Will explained. 

"Ugh, half sisters." Lou Ellen corrected. 

"Um, well, we should get home." Hazel said. 

"Same. See you guys tomorrow." Annabeth said. 

looking at this bc im trying to write down who's on what team.... uuuhhhh.... I need to stop slut shaming, you do you bae, also "the black one" lowkey sounds racsist, I'm not racist, I'm black

"I'm not racist, I'm black." - Lilly di Angelo 2020

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