Chapter 14: Dem Semi Finals Bois (P.2)

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Y'all I keep forgetting Kelly's black

It was our turn in 15 minutes, and we were warming up and doing breathing exercises for our nerves. I was a little anxious and bored, but I was eavesdropping on some cheerleaders from another team, and it was quite entertaining.

"Fucking Briana pulled my ponytail during practice yesterday," a blonde with a tight-ass ponytail said.

"She's a grody little bitch. She does that all the time," replied a redhead.

"Speaking of a grody bitch, did you see Hannah with Brain? Oh my god, she's such a slut," a third cheerleader with huge boobs and pink tips at the ends of her hair.

"You can't really talk, Heather. We all saw you sneak away with Seth last night," said the redhead in a singsong voice.

"Well did you see him? So hot," she purred.

"OMG, he's your cousin," the first one hissed. (drop everything and dab if you get the reference.)

I snorted, and all three snapped their heads in my direction. I quickly looked away.

"My gods, some people can't mind their own business," The first one said.

I rolled my eyes, and Will glared at them.

"Next up we have the Titans!" the annoncer, um, announced.

"Let's go watch," Kayla said.

We all stood up, and we made our way to the side of the platform to watch the Titans performance. Kelly was standing in the middle, a smile plastered across her face, red lipstick smeared on her lips. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, unimpressed. After her little tantrum on the bus this morning, I wouldn't fall for her charms (drop everything and dab if you get the reference).

Their music began playing from the large speakers on either side of the platform. I didn't recognize the music, but Will seemed to because he started to hum along to the tune, until Kayla kicked him and glared.

"What?! Careless Whisper is a bop," Will exclaimed. (idek anymore)

I turned my attention back to the Titan's routine.

*wowee cool cheer routine, they go'n be hard to beat!*

The crown whooped and cheered, stopping their feet. The Titans waved as they skipped off the platform.

"Good luck," Kelly chirped as she walked by, "You'll need it."

Luke even had the balls to smile at us as they passed by. I gritted my teeth and balled my fists. Assholes.

"Alright, weren't they great? Now, give it up for the Gods of Olympus High!"

Cheers from parents in the crowd. My hands felt shaky as I cartwheeled onto the floor.

"Ready Gods? Let's go!" Kayla yelled.

Our music poured from the speaker, and I let myself drift into the zone. I barely knew what I was doing, it was muscle memory at this point. Part way through, I felt Jason's hands grab my waist, as he lifted me into the air. Oh yes. This part. I focused as I was thrown up. I don't even know where it went wrong. I just felt pain shoot up through my ankle. My eyes widened and I gasped. Will shot me a concerned look, and I flashed him a forced smile through the pain. We worked so hard for this I wasn't about to mess it up now.

Just like that it was over. (we tend to our wounded-) Cheers rang through the building, and I smiled, limp jumping off the stage. When we got back Will came over to me.

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