Chapter 1: Gorgeous

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            I pulled my hair up into a neat ponytail, and stepped back to look at myself in the mirror. Black hair done perfectly, eyelashes coated in mascara, and a dark purple dress. I smiled, satisfied with the look of his first day of high school. 

I, Nico di Angelo, am not a girl, I'm just... feminie. Last year was a disaster. I was bullied on the daily, and was told to kill myself all the time. It got so bad that my dad and I went to the principal, who then told me that it was my fault for dressing like that. Middle school sucked, but I know that this year would be different. This year I have something I didn't have last year. 


My sister, Hazel, skipped 2 grades, first grade and 5th grade, so even though she is two years younger than me, she was already in high school. Also, she had her boyfriend, Frank, and the siblings had a bunch of older friends they met at camp one year. Their names were Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, and Reyna. So, I'm pretty excited. I grabbed my black bag that was decorated with pins, and rushed downstairs where Hazel was waiting at the door. 

"Here," she said, handing him a food bar. 

I unwrapped it, and began eating as Hazel led him to Frank's car. 

"Hey Hazel. Hey Nico," Frank said, as we hopped in. 

Frank kissed Hazels cheek, and started the car. 

"Excited?" he asked the two. 

"Yes!" Hazel squealed, "I can't wait to see how much everyone changed over the summer!" 

I smiled at how adorable Hazel and Frank were together. I wished I had someone, but unfortantly, I am as single as a very gay Pringle. Frank parked his car, and we walked over to where the rest of the group was in front of the school. 

"Heyyy, Nicoo!" Leo exclaimed, wrapping an arm around him. 

"Oh yay. It's Leo," i said in a flat voice. 

"Look at you all grown up in your pretty little dress," Leo said, grinning. 

I glared at him. 

"Dude, you're going to get dress coded in that," Jason said. 

"Um, I think she'll get dress coded before I do," I replied, pointing to girl wearing a super short skirt and a super low crop top. 

"It's like she's trying to wear the least amount of clothes possible," Hazel giggled. 

"Oh that slut? That's my half-sister Drew," Piper laughed.

 I smiled and looked around at all the students. On the grass, I saw a group of cheerleaders doing flips and stuff. One guy did five back handsprings in a row, and all the other cheerleaders went crazy yelling and stuff. The dude laughed and OMGS! He was the hottest guy I had ever seen. He had curly blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes. His smile was gorgeous and had adorable freckles sprinkled across his nose. He must've felt me looking at him, because he looked over at me. He looked me in the eyes, and flashed me a grin. I blushed and looked away. 

"Who's that?" I asked Jason, hoping the blush had faded from his cheeks. 

Jason grinned "That's Will Solace. Head cheerleader, and extremly gay and single."

"Why do you wanna know?" Percy teased, resting his wenis on my shoulder. 

"Uhhh.... Just wondering." I said, shoving Percy off. 

The warning bell rang, and I rushed off to find my class. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. 

"Hey, you need help?" a voice asked me. 

I looked up to see Will Solace standing in front of me. 

"Um, yes, I can't find my class." I managed to get out. 

 "What class?" he asked. 

"Math with Mr. D." I said. 

"Oh, I have that class. It's right over there. Follow me!" Will grabbed my hand, and dragged the two of us over to the class. 

They sat down in the only empty two seats next to each other, just as the bell rang. The teacher came in, and started talking, but I didn't pay attention. He was too busy staring at the gorgeous boy sitting next to him. 

A/N: Okay so, first of all, can we just ignore the fact that I can't spell? Thanks. Anyway, I'm really happy about this fic, and I would like to dedicate it to............. myself. Soooo @Lillyluvsolangelo. Go. Run to her. She's real cool. 

Okay sorry I'll leave now.

edited  4/14/20

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