Chapter 4: Awkward Dinner

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Everyone makes Nico seem so shy, but like, in the books he's not shy at all. He just knows when and when not to talk. Mad respect bro.

My mom popped her head through the doorway, her brown curls spilling across her shoulders. "Boys, dinner!" she said. " 

'Kay mom, we're coming." I said. 

I stood up and offered my hand to Nico. "Need a hand kind sir?" I said jokingly. 

Nico played along, batting his eyelashes at me. He accepted my hand and said, "thank you. What a gentleman." He said. 

We giggled and rushed down stairs to the dinner table. 

"Mom, Dad, uh, Kayla I guess this is Nico." 

My mom, gave Nico a warm smile. "I'm Naomi." she said. 

"Hello." Nico said shyly. 

My dad grinned at Nico then said, "My name is Apollo, but I'm sure soon you'll be able to call me dad in law." 

Mom elbowed him, and he laughed and winked at me. 

"Oh. Um. Hi." Nico stammered turning red.

 Kayla giggled. We sat down, and my mom served us all salad and mushroom soup. 

"Is the soup okay?" Mom asked Nico. He must have recovered from my dad, because he gave her a charming smile. 

"It's delicious. The best soup I've ever tasted." He said. 

My mom beamed and thanked him. Dam. I saw Kayla rolled her eyes at that, so I whispered to her. "Go on roll your eyes. I maybe you'll find a brain back there." she glared at me and elbowed me in the stomach, which made me choke on my water. Nico turned to me looking extremely concerned. 

"Are you okay?" he asked.

 I nodded, turning red. My dad snickered and I glared at him. 

"So boys, what where you working on up there?" He asked Nico and I. 

"School work." I said. 

"Ah. Chemistry?" My dad teased. 

I turned redder than before, if possible. Nico smirked. "Something like that." he said. 

"Science project!" I exclaimed. 

"That too." Nico giggled. 

Kayla snorted. "What was the best part of your day sweetie?" my mom asked Kayla, saving me from further embarrassment. 

Unfortunately, Kayla had other plans. "Probably lunch. Will was totally obsessing over Nico the whole time." Kayla said innocently. 

"The team got in to the semi finals!!" I blurted. 

This got everyone's attention. "Really! Wow!" Mom exclaimed. 

"But so did one of the beat teams. The Titans." Kayla said. 

"How do cheerleaders compete? I thought they just do flips at boys games." 

All of us dropped our spoons and stared at Nico. "What?" 

I took a deep breath and patted his shoulder. "Listen child. Cheerleaders have routines that we perform. We do cheer the teams on, and attempt to pump up students, but our school competes with the other schools, just like all the other sports teams. Finally this year we got in the semi-finals." I explained. 

"Ohh. Cool I should come watch you do your thing sometime. I've never been to any school games. Clashes with my vibe." Nico said. 

Kayla picked up all the dishes, and then we heard a knock on the door. 

"Must be my dad. I'll see you tomorrow Will and Kayla. Thank you for dinner Naomi." Nico said. 

"I'll walk you to the door." I quickly said. 

Nico gave me that adorable smile of his, that I knew he was making cute on purpose, but it still affects me. "Why thank you." he said softly. 

We walked to the door, and right before he went to open it he turned around and smiled at me. He stood on his toes, and pulled me forward with by pulling on my shirt. He kissed me softly then whispered, "Bye Will." Then he slipped out the door, leaving me there wide eyed and bright red.

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