Chapter 3: im in

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WARNING: Very cringey chapter. I recommend skipping. All that happens is Nico basically rapes Will with his eyes. It-it's bad. 

I felt like a spy. All my friends said they would allow me to go to Wills (I guess I need their permission...) as long as I texted updates every 10 minutes. We arrived at Wills house, and after we kicked our shoes off, Will turned and smiled at me. 

"My room's upstairs. C'mon."

 We walked up the steps, and I texted to the chat "I'm in." as a joke. I probably got about 200 texts all screaming, "In his room?" (Hazel) "In his life" (Jason) "In his pants?" (Percy and Leo). I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone into my bag. Idiots. (except Hazel). I walked in to Wills room, and was almost blinded by his bright yellow eyes. I momentarily forgot I was in a super hot cheerleaders room, and like the childish IDIOT I am yelled, "Holy schist, I'm blinded!" I clapped my hand over my mouth. Will turned bright pink and giggled nervously. 

 Welp, this is off to a GREAT start. 

"Do you, um, want to start working on the project?" he asked me. 

"Sure." I said. 

We sat down on his bed, and awkwardly stared at each other for 3 minutes, I felt super nervous, until I realized. Nico. You are making this beautiful blonde creature nervous. Time to have fun. Now, peasants, have you ever flirted with someone just because you can? Not like, throwing yourself on someone, but just slightly.... It's so freaking fun. 

"So," I said, looking at Will from under my eyelashes, "where should we start?" 

I put one leg over the other, and gave him a flirty smile. 

"Uhhh.." Will said staring at me. 

I giggled, and picked up my pencil. "So, the assignment is to upcycle something so we can use it for everyday use." I said, reading off what I had written during science. 

"We could do a water bottle." Will said, seeming to find his voice. 

I pouted. "Everybody is going to do a water bottle. We need something more... original." I moved closer towards him. "You're smart," I said, resting my head on his shoulder and looking up at him, "think of something." 

At this point he was bright red, and I could hear his heart pounding. 

"Uhhhh, I can barely think with you this close to me." he muttered. 

I giggled again, and moved away. 

"We should go down to my attic and see if there is anything up there we could upcycle." Will said.

 I hopped up off the bed. "Good idea! Let's go." I said. 

We walked up to his attic, and I gulped nervously. What if he was going to kill me up here? He reached out, and turned on the light.

 "Okay, so, most of this stuff I'm sure my parents don't care if we use them, but we should ask for the nice looking stuff." 

I pick up an old leather boot. "We should use this." I said. 

"Ya. We could use it to decorate something." He agreed. 

"We could make... a phone case!" I exclaimed. 

"We could build it with plastic first, them cover it in the leather." Will said nodding. 

We grabbed all the supplies we needed, and went back down to his room. I got so caught up in all the fun in building a phone case, I completely forgot all about trying to be flirty. We laughed and talked and built. We got the frame done, and I opened up my phone.

 "I have like, ten minutes." I said. 

"Unless you want to stay for dinner." Will said.

 I smiled shyly. "Sure. Let me tell my dad." I pulled out my phone and texted him, and also texted the 7 that I'd be staying. 

"Okay, I can stay." I said.

 "You wanna keep working on the case or no?" Will asked. 

"Naw." I said. 

I leaned back against the bed. 

"I barely know you. Let's talk." I said. 

"Okay. Um, hi my name's Will Solace." He said grinning. 

"Nico di Angelo." I replied.

 "Just wondering, are you straight?" Will asked me.

 I stared at him. "No." I said. 

"Sooo... are you gay, or no." Will asked me.

 I rolled my eyes. "Will, I'm gay." I said.

 Has he not noticed that I've been flirting with him this whole time? 

"Oh. Huh. That's cool." he said awkwardly. 

I leaned against him. "And you gay, huh?" I asked, just to make sure. 

"No." he said. My eyes widened, and moved away. 

"Sorry! I thought you-" I began, but he cut me off with, "I'm polysexual." he grinned at me. 

"You fucking..." I growled.

 Will burst out laughing. 

"You- you- hahaha" I rolled my eyes again. 

Will finished giggling. 

"Idiota." I huffed.

 "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it!" He said, still grinning.

 I laid down on the floor, and closed my eyes. Maybe he really doesn't like me. Maybe I'm coming on to strong. Wills voice interrupted my thoughts.

 "Can I braid your hair?" 

I smiled. "Sure."

 I sat up, and took my hair out of its ponytail, and shook it around a little.

 He began to braid my hair. "Nicoo, your hair is SO soft." he gushed. I smiled.

 "Thanks." I said. 

He finished soon, and I stood up, and looked in the mirror

. "Whoa! This is SO good!" I exclaimed.

 He had done two dutch braids down my head. He smiled. "Thanks!" he said.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I learned that polysexual is a thing, so I started googling all the other things, so I might put some of the stuff I learn in here. 


You guys, I'm re-reading this chapter... Nico's, like, seducing Will. 

I like... came to fic this but... it was to bad.... I just can't even with this chapter. 

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