Chapter 9: You Forgot Something

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Countdown to Semi-finals: 2 weeks

Cheer leading had consumed my life. The time I would've spent reading Lams fan fiction now went into practice, which we had everyday. The Semi-Finals were only two weeks away, and we were performing this weekend.

"Okay guys, I know we usually don't do this type of thing, but we need a sponsor for our team. A shop down the road offered to sponsor us, but the owners have a daughter who is having a cheer themed party. She wants us to perform there." Will said to us.

"That sounds fun! I love kids!" Hazel exclaimed.

"I hate kids." I grumbled.

Everyone began calling out their opinions on kids quite loudly.
"Everyone! Stop it! I don't care if you like kids or not! Also, for those of you who hate kids, you were one once!" Will screeched.

"So I'm assuming you do like kids?" Austin said, crossing his arms. He had been anti-children.

"That's not the point. The point is we're going to have a bunch of little girls watching us when we perform at a party. And everyone needs to look their best." Will said.

I had never seen Will so upset. (it highkey turned me on*)

Piper frowned deeply. "What's that supposed to mean? That because they're little girls they have to like cheerleaders?"

Will threw his hands up in the air. "Omgs! Just stop it you guys! Y'all need to just chill out. Go home, get rest, and stop bugging me. I'll send you guys the details later."
He walked off the court and grabbed his bag then stormed out. I was no longer aroused (okay maybe a little) I was angry now.

"What the fuck guys." I snapped.

"Nico, he's making us perform for little kids." Reyna said.

"Um, ya, I know that. And even though I have a complicated love hate relationship with tiny humans, do you see me complaining? No! Why? Because WIll is my friend and team captain." I yelled.

Annabeth sighed. "You're right Nico. C'mon guys, let's head home."

We walked back over to the bleachers to get our stuff, throwing on sweatpants and sweatshirts. I noticed Annabeth and Piper standing close together and whispering. Piper said something in Annabeth's ear, and she blushed while iper giggled softly. Jason walked their direction and waved.

"Hey Pipes, you need a ride?" He asked.

Piper smiled softly. "Nah, I'm spending the night with Annabeth."
Jason frowned. "Oh. Okay. Well, do you want to hang out tomorrow.?"
Piper winced. "Ooo, sorry, I'm busy... I promised Annabeth's cousin's girlfriend we'd all go shopping..."

Jason blinked. "Oh kay then."

I raised an eyebrow. Sounded like some scorchin' hot tea was boiling, and I couldn't wait until it spilled.

I went out to my parking lot and remembered something very important. Will was my ride. Will left 10 minutes ago. Highly annoyed, I whipped out my phone and called him. He picked up on the 2nd ring.

"Hey Nico." He said tiredly.

"Hey. Where are you?" I asked.

"At home. Why?"

"You forgot something..."

"I did? What?"

"ME!" I yelled into the phone.

I could hear the sound of his phone clattering to the floor and him fumbling to get it.
"OMGS Nico I'm so sorry, I'm coming." he said.

"Okay. I'll be outfront." I sighed.

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