Chapter 7: Put your pom poms in the air (like you just don't care)

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Hella long title, but okay. 

Trigger Warning: There are gay slurs. But you're here for Solangelo so you're probably used to it

The day of our first game came quickly, and I was hyperventilating in the bathroom. I put my hair into pigtails, then braids, then my usual ponytail, and then took it all down again. I didn't really care about my hair that much, but what if I fuck up? Will would be so disappointed. The whole school would laugh. Not that I really care, I'm used to it. I have already earned the lovely nickname of fag from most of the kids at school. 

Just as I decided a ponytail would do fine, 3 guys on the football team came in. One was a buff guy who enjoys writing fag on my locker with his girlfriend Drew's lipstick. The two other guys were slim guys who I'd never actually seen away from the main dude. I think his name is Chad or something. Let's call him Chad.

"Hey fAg! Where's your little fAg boyfriend fAg?" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes and continued with my hair. Satisfied with it, I leaned down to get my bag, but one of Chads sidekicks shoved me. I flew forward and banged my face against the porcelain sink. Pain filled my head, and my nose and lip began to bleed.

"He asked you a question." the sidekick spat.

I looked up and glared at him. Before I could stop myself, I said, "Why? You want to bang him, you gay fucker?"

His eyes widened and his whole face turned red with anger. I grabbed my bag and crawled past the guys.

"GET BACK HERE!" he roared.

I don't think so. I stood up and took off running toward the locker room. Blood seeped between my fingers, coating the hand that was holding my nose and mouth. IN the entrance of the locker room I ran into someone and fell on my ass.

"The fu-Nico!" I heard Percy's voice cry.

Percy was standing over me with a concerned look on his face. He held out his hand to help me up.

"What happened?" he asked

"Nothing," I said.

"It certainly doesn't look like nothing." Percy huffed.

"Well once I get cleaned up I will be fine. Move before Will se-"

Too late. Will came around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks.

"NiCo! Oh mY gOsh aRe yOu oKaY????" he shrieked, rushing over to me.

"I'm fine Will. A little blood don't hurt." I replied.

"That is NOT the saying, a little blood do hurt. Oh my, lemme see, maybe I have some band aids in my locker..." he mumbled.

"Will, no. Band aids don't fix broken noses. Anyway, I'll just rinse off the blood, and I'll be good as new." I said to him,

I wiggled out of his grip and quickly rinsed off my bloody face and hand. In the locker room bathroom mirror I saw Will leaning against the doorframe. I turned around, and he gave me a faint smile.

"Sorry for freaking out. I get worried." he said.

I smiled back at him. "Will, it's fine. I understand."

He grinned at me. "It's your first game! Aren't you excited!" he said.

I shrugged. "I mean, it's more for the football team. So, meh." I replied.

"Well, our football team sucks, so." WIll snickered.

"True, true." I agreed.
He motioned his head towards the exit. "Ready? Let's go stretch." he said.

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