Chapter 12: sHopPiNg

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We left my house and drove to the mall in Will's car. Everyone else was going to meet us there later. We walked in, and I breathed in the mall smell. I hate crowds, but I love shopping.
"Where do you guys want to go first?" Hazel asked.

I pointed to the closest store.

"Forever 21 is right there," I said.

"Noo!" Jason complained.

"YEssss!" I said, dragging Will and Jason into the store.

I walked over to the accessories first, making Will come with me. I picked up a pair of those tiny sunglasses.
"How do I look?" I asked Will jokingly, striking a pose.

"Wooow, uhh, really good..... But maybe don't buy those," Will said taking them off me.

I rolled my eyes and continued searching. I picked up a huge pair of hoops and held them to my ears. They almost touched my neck.
"Heh heh, you know what they say..."

"The bigger the hoop the bigger the hoe!" We said in unison, then started laughing.

The lady at the register glared at me. She was wearing the hoops. I awkwardly cleared my throat and put them back. Will and I went to the clothes. I looked through the jeans, admiring the soft fabric on a pair of baby pink skinnies.

After a bit of thought, I decided I wanted them, and placed them over one arm. After roaming around the store I had the pants, 2 skits and a top. Hazel had two pants, one skirt, and 2 shirts. Jason, obviously, had nothing, and Will had a cropped yellow hoodie.

"Ready for the fashion show?" Hazel asked.

We both walked into our respective dressing rooms and tried on all our clothes to make sure they fit properly. Once we were done we checked out and left the store. Our phones buzzed in our pockets, and I pulled out mine. It was a text from Piper in the groupchat. "Annabeth, and I are here!" it said.

"Piper and Annabeth are here." I repeated for the others.

Jason looked slightly uncomfortable, but I just rolled my eyes and pulled them back to the entrance to meet the girls. Annabeth and Piper came in and I waved them over.

"Who else is coming?" Hazel asked.

"Uhh, Percy, Reyna, Thalia, and Leo," I said.

We walked down the mall talking, trying to decide where to go next. Piper and I wanted to go into Bath and Body Works, but Annabeth and Jason wanted to go to the book shop.

"We'll split up," I said.

Piper, Will, and I walked into Bath and Body Works. The smell of all the different perfumes and lotions hit me and took over my senses. I knew after this I'd get a headache, but it was worth it. Piper drifted over to the cute little hand sanitizers and I forced Will to check out the newest perfumes with me.

"Smell this one." I ordered Will, spraying the mango cherry perfume onto a slip of paper.

"It smells gross," he said.

"Whaat!! It's delicious!" I exclaimed, but I still put it back.

After probably too long in the shop we left empty handed. Because even though Bath and Body Works is fun, it's trash.

We made our way down the mall and Piper suddenly started jumping up and down.

"Ooo, Nicoo, we hAve to go into Victoria's Secret!" she cried.

I shrugged. "Sure."
Will frowned. "Aw, come on, do we have to?"

Piper glared at him. "It's mandatory."
We went into the store, the mysterious sexy atmosphere impressing me, even though I've been in this store multiple times. There were limbless headless manicines propped up on top of displays showing off the lacy bras and panites. Lingerie.

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