Chapter 10: He sparkle, he shine

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Will had sent out a text to the group chat instructing us to meet at the address at 11 o'clock sharp. Which was disgusting, seeing that was the time I woke up on Sundays. So here I was, standing in the middle of my room at eIgHt o'ClOcK. On SUNDAY.

But that is besides the point.

I slipped on my cheer uniform, put lotion on, and vaseline between my thighs. (To avoid my thighs rubbing together and hurting and turning red.) Hair in a high ponytail, mascara, lip gloss, all the fun stuff.

I yoiked on my sweatshirt and down the hall to the kitchen/dining room. Hazel sat in a chair monching toast, and my dad seemed to be making eggs. I acknowledged my family and made myself cereal. They knew better than to talk to me this early. At least I thought they did.

"Frank will pick us up at 10:30 Nico. Should I wear my hair in a ponytail or in braids?"

I glared at Hazel.

"Hazel. I love you. Please stop talking." I said.

"Oh right. You're not a morning person, haha." Hazel giggled.

I slumped down in my chair and tried my best not to fall asleep in my bowl.


A couple hours later I sat in the back of Frank's Jeep driving to the place. We drove out of our neighborhood, and we neared the rich area of town.
"We're here." Frank said, stating the obvious.

It was a white mansion with a couple cars from our fellow teammates in the front. A fountain with a naked baby spitting water was in the middle of the lawn, and it was also decorated with neat hedges.

"Fancy." Hazel murmured as we climbed out of the car.

We walked up to the front double doors, and rang the doorbell. We heard someone yell, "I'll get it!" and then footsteps.

A little girl with pigtails wearing a little cheer uniform opened the door.

"MORE CHEERLEADERS!!" she screeched.

She stared at me suspiciously. "Are you a girl? You don't have boobies. THat's the best part of the girl cheerleaders you know."

I raised my eyebrows. "Wow, um, I'm not a girl. Can we come in?"

The little girl frowned. "I guess. But why are you wearing a skirt?"

"Because I like them." I explained impatiently.
"Okay. Come in," The little girl said.

"What's your name?" Hazel asked as the little girl led us inside.

"My name's Daphne. I'm turning 9 today," she said proudly.

"My name is Hazel. That's my boyfriend Frank, and that's my brother Nico."

"You have a boyfriend? Cool! Do you have a girlfriend?" Daphne asked me.

"No. Where's everyone else?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Outside. That's where I'm taking you." The little girl said.

SHe led us down a long hallway that had family photos and lots of pictures of her. There were statues of naked women, you know the creepy ones where they don't have limbs. There were also some of those weird tree bushes. Finally we got to two big glass doors, and she opened when, and we stepped out.

The backyard was huge. It had a fountain, a ginormous pool, tables that were stacked with food and an area which I assumed was for our performance. The rest of the team was already there. Some of them were talking with the boys and girls that were there, some were drinking punch and Will was speaking with a man in a white suit.

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