Chapter 5: The Plan

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 I walked up to Kayla Friday after school, because we have lockers near each other, and I didn't know where Will was. 

"Hey Kayla. Where is Will." 

Kayla grinned at me, slamming her locker shut and flipping her green hair. "OoOoo, you looking for Willlllll?" she giggled. 

I rolled my eyes, and blushed. "Yes Kayla. Where is he?" I asked. 

"He's in the gym at practice. C'mon, I'm going there." She said, walking down the hall.

 I quickly followed after her, anxious to see Will. We entered the gym, and Kayla ran over to Will who was talking to a bunch of other cheerleaders. He looked really stressed. 

Kayla ran over to him yelling "Willllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!! Nico wants to talk to youuu!!!!!!!" She shrieked. 

The cheerleaders giggled and Will ran over to me. "Hey Nico. Let's talk outside because y'know." He motioned to his friends. 

"Okay." I said.

 We stepped outside and he smiled at me. "So." he said. 

"So." I said. 

"Um, you kissed me." he said awkwardly. 

I nodded. "Yep. So like, is that a bad thing or..." I asked nervously. "

Oh no no, it was.. Good." Will said. 

I stared at him. This was officially the most awkward moment I have ever shared with someone. He obviously didn't like me back. What was I thinking, coming to high school all confident? Nothing changed since last year. I'm still the confused boy who doesn't know the difference between boy clothes and girl clothes. 

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have kissed you!!" I said, quickly turning away. 

"Wait!" Will exclaimed, grabbing on to my shoulder and whipped me around so fast I almost fell over. 

His arm was around my waist, our faces inches apart. "I like you Nico. A lot. I'm crazy about you. Kayla told me to play it cool, but obviously I didn't do a very good job." Will said, letting a small smile on his lips at the last part. 

All a sudden, all my confidence came back. I smiled and whispered, "Obviously." then, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. 

Not like before, this one was different. It was intense and full of passion. He put his hands on my waist, pulling me close. Our mouths moved together in sync, and we probably would've kept going if Lou Ellen hadn't walked out of the gym.

 "Will.. oh. Oopsie." Will and I jumped, and Will dropped me on the floor. 

I fell down, banging my elbow. "Ow. Shit. Really?" I grumbled. 

"Sorry! " Will squeaked.

 He helped me up, and Lou Ellen cleared her throat, reminding us that she was still there.

 "Um, we need you inside. We have news." Will nodded, and looked down to me. 

"Wanna come?" he asked. 

"Sure." I said.

 I followed Lou and Will back into the gym where Austin stood with a grim look on her face. 

"We lost 3 more to the Titans." he said. 

"Shit." Will groaned slapping his forehead. 

"Hey, um, guys, care to explain what's going on." I said. 

Cecil cleared his throat. "Well, we're the best cheerleading team, but lately, or team members have been leaving us to join the Titans our rival school's team. We know don't have enough members to compete." Will sighed, and Kayla wrapped her arms around him. 

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