Chapter 4

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Both POVs

I checked the time on my phone yet again. Only 7:15? I don't feel like waiting another 15 minutes to see Alex.. I thought. I was dressed and ready to go, wearing a pride month t-shirt from last year, blue jeans, and my olive-colored light jacket. I should head out now, I don't wanna be late. I got up and went into the living room, forgetting that Laf was there. "You look great, mon ami," he commented, causing me to stop in my tracks. "Thanks, Laf. I should get going now, I don't wanna be late," I explained. "Alright, have fun, John," he replied. "Bye, Laf! See you tonight!" I told him as I finished lacing up my boots. I dashed out of the apartment, and within five minutes, I was at the movie theater. I guess he's not here yet, I thought. The place was packed with people, so I just went on my phone for a few minutes before it was snatched out of my hand. "Hey give it back!" I yelled before I noticed who had taken my phone. "Hello to you too, John," Alex said to me with an adorable grin. "Why'd you do that?" I asked him, taking my phone back. "Because there was no other way to get your attention," he explained, still giving me that adorable smirk. "Fair enough," I mumbled. "Anyways, Alex, what snacks do you want? We should get our stuff now, the movie starts at 8," I commented. "Just popcorn and stuff, the usual-" he stopped mid-sentence. I'd been waiting near the snacks, and it seems he finally noticed what they had there. "Are those caramel M&Ms?" he asked, looking awe-struck. "Yeah! You've never had them?" I replied. "No! I never even knew these existed!" Alex told me. "Well then, let's get some!"


By the time we finished buying our snacks, the previews had nearly finished. We were both holding a lot, like candy, popcorn, chips, you get the idea. We were about to sit down, when I noticed that the seat on my ticket was taken by some kid. I tapped John on the shoulder, and he seemed to get the message. "Excuse me miss," he began to who looked like the kid's mom. "Yes?" she shot back in a rude sort of tone that made it sound like she was annoyed. "My friend says this seat is on his ticket, so if you could please just tell your kid to move over a seat, that would be great." The woman looked at him like he was crazy. "There's other seats! Sit somewhere else," she yelled. "Ma'am, I'm asking very politely, and if there's so many other seats, why doesn't you kid just take one of those?" he asked. I could tell he was getting annoyed at this point. "Ugh, we don't need to sit here anyway. Come on, my angel, let's find another seat," she huffed, grabbing her kid and moving to a different set of seats. "Woah, you're good with karens," I commented. "Yeah, we get them a lot, so I have to know how to deal with them," John explained. We set our snacks down and got settled just in time for the movie to start.


After the movie, we were both seemed really tired. "That was really good," Alex commented. "Yeah, I know," I replied. "Anyways, it's only 9. There's still time for us to go somewhere else before going back fo my place," I told him. "I know, but where would we go?" he asked. "Maybe we could go to a bar if you're up for it," I suggested. "That's a good idea," he mumbled. "So then that's where we're going."


Alex and I walked around a bit, before coming to the nearest possible bar. We sat next to each other, ordered something to drink, and just began talking. I noticed that Alex was drinking way more than I could, and that his speech was becoming kinda slurred. He started to talk faster, and I picked up on a hint of an accent in his voice. I couldn't really understand him, though. "Alex, slow down. You're talking in cursive," I joked. "W-what do you m-mean?" he asked, hiccuping a little. "I can't understand you, slow down," I explained. "Oh o-okay," he replied with a hiccup.


Just about an hour or so after being there, Alex was out cold. Aww, he's too sweet, I thought. I carefully picked him up as best as I could and began to (try to) walk home. I had to stop a lot, as Alex and I are about the same size, which makes him harder to carry. I finally reached my apartment after what felt like an hour, so I began to unlock the door. "Hey, Laf.." I mumbled, very out of breath. "Bonsoir, John. Where were you so late?" he asked. "We went out to a bar after the movie," I explained. "Is that why he's asleep?" I nodded and trudged over to my room, where I set Alex down on my bed. After I got my pajamas on, I went to lie down next to him. I wrapped my arm around him, holding him as close as I could. "Night, Alex," I mumbled before I fell asleep.

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now