Chapter 38

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John's POV

3 ½ Hours Later

"Jackie, wake up. The guys are gonna be here soon with the Schuylers and Mari," Alex told me, shaking my good arm to wake me. I groaned and rolled over so that I was face down in my pillow. "Why did I agree to this? I feel like crap.." I mumbled. Alex laughed and picked me up, taking me into the living room and setting me down on the couch. "Why'd you put me down..?" I asked. "Because if you're not gonna get everything ready, then I have to," he explained, booping me on the nose as if I were a child. I flopped down onto my back, turning my head to the TV. At least Gravity Falls is showing. I felt like I was about to pass out. Knock knock knock. "They're here, hun. Sit up." I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Let's get this party started!" Peggy yelled, practically kicking down the door. "I have a headache, Pegs. Please be quiet.." I muttered, crossing my arms as best I could. The girls got settled in, Mari and Eliza on my right while Alex was on my left. "So are we playing truth or dare or not?" Mari asked. "When the guys get here," Alex replied, pulling me into his lap. There was more knocking on the door about five minutes later, although it sounded more like banging this time. "I'll get it," I mumbled. I opened the door, only for Laf and Herc to nearly trample me. "Oh, sorry, mon ami! I didn't see you," Laf apologized. Okay, Captain Obvious, I thought, rolling my eyes and going back to sit with Alex. "John, can I do your hair?" Eliza asked. I nodded, getting up to sit down in front of her. "Hey! That's mine," Alex huffed. I laughed a little at how childish he sounded. "Relax, Alex. I'm only doing his hair," she assured him. Alex crossed his arms and pouted like a three-year-old, making me laugh even more. I felt Eliza take the elastic out of my hair and start combing her fingers through it.


"Jackie, c'mere! Lemme do your hair, you're a mess!" my mom told me. I sat down in front of her, telling my siblings to hold on. My dad wasn't home, leaving the three of us with my mom. I liked it better when Dad was at work. He was never really nice to me, James, Martha, or Mom. I don't know why, but that's just the way things are. "Jackie, did you even comb your hair this morning?" she asked. "No, 'cause if I did I woulda been late," I explained. She just laughed at me for some reason, but I like it when she laughs. It makes me feel good, a nice change of pace for when Dad yells at me for not being as 'perfect' as he would've liked. "Okay, Jackie, I'm done!" she exclaimed. I ran upstairs and into my room, closing the door to see the mirror that was hung on it. Woah! I look cool! My hair was tied up in this really fancy way I can't describe, but just know it was cool. I ran back downstairs and gave my mom a hug. "Thanks Mom! I look super cool!"

~Flashback Over~

"John, are you okay?" Alex asked me. "You were crying a lot just now." Not just five seconds ago, I thought. I was still crying my eyes out. Alex pulled me back onto the couch next to him, and for a few minutes he was just whispering sweet nothings to me, trying to make me feel better. I stopped crying and was almost asleep when- "I FOUND THE DRINKS! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Peggy screeched. I groaned into Alex's shirt. I just knew it was gonna be a long night.


"Okay John, truth or dare?" Angie asked me. "Dare," I told her, eager for some excitement. Mostly everyone kept choosing truth, which got a little boring unless they were spilling some deep secret. "Before I give you this dare, here's a related question: have you and Alex ever, y'know.." she made a really suggestive gesture with her hands, causing both me and Alex to blush. "N-no.." I stuttered. "Then I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Alex, and we can extend it if you want~" I nearly choked on my own spit. "F-forfeit.." I mumbled, still blushing furiously as I took five shots as punishment. "Okay, uh, Mari, truth or dare?" I asked, turning my focus onto Maria. "Truth," she replied. "Have you ever dated anyone besides that Reynolds guy and Eliza? If so, what's their name and how long was your relationship with them?" So then, of course, Mari started rambling about her crappy ex-boyfriends.


It was around 11, and I was wasted. I was nearly asleep, curled up next to Alex, when he got up from under me. "It's late, you guys. You should drive home or catch a cab or something," he told everyone. "Come on, Alex! Let them stay a little longer.." I whined. "No. You don't need another drink, and you're exhausted." I groaned and sat up, crossing my arms. "Fine.." I huffed. After everyone left, Alex picked me up and took me into my room, setting me down on my bed and curling up next to me. "But Alex, I don't wanna sleep..." I complained with a yawn. "Trust me, Jack. You'll thank me in the morning when you're hungover." And with that, I closed my eyes and almost instantly blacked out.

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now