Chapter 32

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John's POV

½ an Hour Later

Owww.. why does my arm hurt so much? I sat up and opened my eyes, realizing that I was in the car with Alex and the kids. Oh, and I apparently have a broken arm, which would explain the pain. I looked out the window, only to see that we were in front of a huge house. "Alex..? Where are we, why am I so tired, and why are we here?" I asked. "We're at Schuyler Mansion, and you're only that tired because I'm almost positive that the doctors drugged you a bit much. Also, we're watching 5 kids for the night because literally everyone else who lives here is going out." he explained. Ohhhhhh, painkillers. I think I remember being in a hospital. And wait, watching more kids? Great. Everything was coming back. I'd been out cold for who knows how long, which probably explains why I remember almost nothing. Alex had come around to open the door for me (such a gentleman, he's the sweetest person alive) and helped me out, considering that the arm I use for nearly everything (I'm right-handed) was in a sling. "Thanks, Alex.." I mumbled, trying not to wince at how bad my arm hurt. Once the kids had gotten out, Mary-Ellie rang the doorbell and banged on the door. A little kid no older than Henry opened it. "Hi! I know you two! You're John and Alex, right?" Alex and I nodded. "Who are you guys? I'm Philip, by the way." I looked over at my siblings, only to notice that Henry was blushing. I held back a squeal (my baby brother's first crush!) and introduced the three of them. We stepped inside, and I somehow managed to take my shoes off without using my hands (I'm so talented, I know). There were 4 other kids inside. The oldest kid (who coincidentally shares a name with me) was on his phone. Two of them, who looked around the same age as Mary-Ellie, were arguing over something. I didn't even notice another kid until she came up to me and made grabby hands at my sling. She was a little baby, no older than one. "Awwww! Alex, look! She's adorable!" I picked her up with my left hand and sat down on the (extremely comfy) couch with her. Everything was fine for about two seconds, because she immediately started to climb on my sling. "Kitty! Don't do that!" one of the kids yelled, coming up to me and grabbing his sister. "Sorry, she's only a baby. I'm Ren, by the way," he told me. "The girl I was arguing with is Corri, and I know you just met Philip, and my oldest brother is John. I think he shares a name with you or something?" I nodded. This kid has energy. He's like a mini Alex. "Oh, and this is Kitty. Her real name is Catherine, after Mommy, but everyone calls her Kitty because her real name is too long," he added. "Okay. The girl who looks about the same age as you is my sister Mary-Ellie, and the kid Philip's age is Henry. The older kid is James, so you can go introduce yourself to them, okay?" He eagerly nodded before darting off to talk to someone else. "I'm exhausted and we haven't even been here for ten minutes," Alex huffed as he sat down next to me. "I know. Did you see that little kid? He's like a mini you," I commented. "Great. Exactly what we need. A mini me." I laughed a little at Alex's sarcasm. "Anyways, did you see how Henry was acting around Philip? I think he has a crush." Alex would've done one of those spit-takes if he was drinking something. "You think so?" I nodded excitedly. "Of course! Let's just see if he says anything to us." And sure enough, not five minutes later, Henry came running up to us. "Alex, Jackie, I need help," he told us. "What is it?" I asked. He took a deep breath. "I find Philip super cute and I don't know why, there's just something about him that's so freaking adorable to me and I can't help myself." That was a mouthful. "I knew it! See, Alex? I told you!" Henry looked like he was going to choke. "You knew?! Am I that obvious?" he asked. "No, I'm just good at detecting this sorta thing. I learned from Angie, Eliza, and Pegs. The very best matchmakers." He groaned. "What am I gonna do? I barely know him yet I'm already fantasizing-" he cut himself off and slumped onto the couch. "It's okay, Henry. The Amazon order with the stuff I bought should be coming soon, so when you get your phone, I'll give the girls your number and have them give you his. Then you can get to know him better, and I'll maybe even let you ask him out. Sounds good?" He nodded. "Thanks, Jackie. You're the best." He hugged me before going back to talk to Philip. "Alex! Did you see that?" Alex nodded. "You did great with handling that. I can already tell that we won't have many problems with these kids. Well, you won't. I still have to work on how I talk to them," he mumbled. "You'll do great, Alex," I told him, curling up next to him. I felt exhaustion start to take over, and next thing I knew, I was asleep.

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon