Chapter 12

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Both POVs

2 ½ Hours Later

I'd finally finished work, and as Laf and I were closing up, I heard him say something. "Alex devrait t'emmener à un rendez-vous, John." I can't understand French (nor will I ever, it'd take too much time to learn), so I was really confused as to what he'd said. "What was that, Laf?" I asked. "I said that Alex should take you out on a date," he explained. "But he already has! We went out to the movies last week," I told him. "I mean a formal date, mon ami. Like, out to dinner." That stuff's a little cliché, but I wouldn't mind going out to dinner with him, I thought. "Why? I like him best when he's being his adorable little self. I don't want him to have to get all dressed up in a tux-" I felt my face go red as I pictured how cute Alex would look if he wore a tux. "N-never mind, he'd still be adorable," I mumbled. "But what would I wear? I have nothing formal." Laf just smiled. "We'd find you something, mon ami," he told me. "Still, all of this sounds too cliché. I wouldn't mind dinner, but I still think going to the movies is better." Laf rolled his eyes. "Have it your way, John."


I can't focus.. it feels like someone's drilling a hole through my skull, I thought miserably. I couldn't concentrate on my work, as I had a pounding headache that'd come out of nowhere. Class is almost over, I told myself, trying to look on the bright side. Then, I can call John and tell him about this. He'll probably let me stay the night. I was snapped out of my half-asleep state by someone's voice piercing the air. "Alright everyone, class is dismissed," my professor stated. I grabbed my stuff and hurried out the door, just before being called back in. "Hamilton, a word?" I nodded and went over to his desk. "Y-yes, Professor Washington..?" I asked nervously. "About the case you e-mailed me about last night, are you sure you want to do this? I looked into it and turns out that this person you want to press charges against? He's a lawyer himself, not to mention wealthy. He could hire someone better than to two of us combined, Alexander. So are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded again. "Absolutely. You read the e-mail. He has an immense history of abusing others, and he is the current guardian of 3 kids. If we leave them, they'll be in danger until they're old enough to leave, and by then, what will have happened to them? It's best to get them to safety." He surveyed me as if he was looking for a mistake in what I'd said. "Very well. If you would like to continue with this, I will assist you," he stated. "Thank you, sir," I said to him, trying to keep my excitement down. "You're welcome, Alexander. Now, I suggest you head home. The rain's supposed to get worse tonight." I remembered the storm and shuddered slightly. "Once again, thank you, sir. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, I ran out of the classroom.


I was drawing in my room when I heard my phone ring. I didn't even have to check the caller ID, as I knew who it was. "Hey Alex!" I exclaimed. He sneezed a little before speaking. "Don't, I already know you're sick," I told him. "Figured as much," he mumbled. "Anyway, can I come over? I really don't feel like going back to my place tonight," he explained. "Aww, it's okay. I'll text you the address," I replied. "Okay, thanks John.." And with that, he hung up. How come he doesn't wanna go back to his place? I wondered. Guess I'll find out.

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now