Chapter 34

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TW: abuse (skip over the flashback if necessary)

John's POV


"Dad, no! He's only three, he didn't know any better!" I yelled, standing in front of Henry. "Step aside, brat, unless you want some too," my dad growled. "Run," I whispered to Henry. He darted off into his room, leaving me with our dad. Thwack. Punched in the face. "I-is that all you got?" I asked him. I could take a hit. I'd felt way worse before. Thwack. Another. Then, I got kicked in the shins. I slumped down into a sitting position against the wall. Two more punches were thrown. "Oh, come on Dad! I've felt worse from James!" I screamed, challenging him even though I knew I was way weaker than him. Thwack. Kicked in the stomach in the same place I'd been punched yesterday. I was nearly doubled over with pain. Thwack. Punched straight in my eye. That's definitely gonna leave a mark. I guess I'm skipping school for the next couple days. At this point, my vision was blurred, and the last things I heard before blacking out were my siblings screaming for my dad to stop.

~Flashback Over~

I woke up in a cold sweat, curled up in Alex's arms. "Shh, it's okay," he whispered. I noticed I was crying and wiped my face with my free hand. "Another flashback?" I nodded. "Just relax. Your dad can't hurt you anymore," he told me. "I-I know.." I mumbled. He started whispering sweet nothings to me, saying that I was okay and that nothing bad was gonna happen. Commenting on everything he knew I was insecure about and somehow making it better with just a few words. Oww.. how am I now realizing that my head is pounding? "Alex, my head hurts.." I complained. "You were crying a lot earlier, that's probably why," he replied, hugging me closer to him. However, he accidentally squeezed my arm, causing pain to rush through me. "Owww... t-that hurt.." Alex loosened his grip. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He gently kissed my forehead. "I-it's not easing up l-like it was earlier.." I told him. "That's not good. But then again, you took like five different painkillers earlier, which is why it wasn't bothering you so much," he commented. I nodded a little, feeling the energy drain out of me. Knock knock. I groaned. "I'll get it, Jackie. Stay right here." Alex got up to answer the door. Not like I feel like moving anyway. "Laf? Herc? What are you guys doing here? We thought you moved in with the Schuylers." Ohhhh, the guys are here. They came inside, and I noticed Laf's eyes widen when he looked at me. "John, mon ami, what happened?" he asked. "I just broke my arm, that's all," I told him. He simply ignored my comment and began to fuss over me while screaming in French. "Honestly, Laf, I'm fine. It's not like I haven't felt worse." This, however, only prompted more screaming. "Not making my headache any better," I muttered. "Sorry, mon ami. How did this happen?" he asked. "Just an accident, me being clumsy as normal," I lied. "Anyways," Alex interrupted. "Why are you guys actually here? Don't you live at Schuyler Mansion now?" I thought they lived here but okay. "We're just here to see John's siblings," Herc explained. "Speaking of which, where are they, Alex?" I asked him. "In your room playing with your stuff. I'll go g-" CRASH! "What was that?" Alex ran into my room, and returned about ten seconds after, dragging Mary-Ellie by her wrist. "Mary-Ellie, would you please explain what happened to Jackie?" he prompted. "I.. threw your iPad down and it kinda... well, see for yourself.." She handed me my iPad, which now had a completely shattered screen. "What the hell?! Nothing one of your brothers could've done could have possibly warranted this! Do you even realize that this was the first birthday gift I'd gotten since I was 12?!" I was seriously ticked. Laf and Herc had bought this for me for my first birthday I spent in NYC. The last time I'd gotten any sort of birthday gift before that was when I was 12, and I turned 18 when I got this. "I-I'm sorry, Jackie.. I didn't mean to-" I cut her off. "I know you didn't mean to, but why'd you even throw my iPad in the first place? It's not yours, and you shouldn't have done that. This is gonna cost a fortune to fix.." I handed my iPad to Alex. "I think we're just gonna let ourselves out.." Herc mumbled, grabbing Laf by the wrist and leaving. Mary-Ellie was nearly in tears. Look at what you've done, you idiot! Why did you ever think you could actually raise your siblings properly? You're gonna turn out just like your dad, whether you like it or not. I felt tears prick my eyes. No, no, no.. not right here, not in front of your sister. You can't have a breakdown now. I got up and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I stared at myself in the mirror as my brain began to point out all the similarities I had to my dad. Tears started flowing, and I began sobbing. This was usually when I'd take something sharp and cut my arms, but as one arm was in a cast and sling, I couldn't. So, I just slumped down against the wall and hugged my knees to my chest as I had another breakdown and vivid flashback. Knock knock. "C-come in.. I stuttered. "I can't, Jackie, it's locked," Alex told me. "Then pick the lock or something because I'm not getting up," I snapped. He unlocked the door and came in, shutting it behind him before sitting next to me. "You wanna tell me what happened out there?" he asked. I lifted my head up and leaned on him. "Long story short, Laf and Herc gave me that iPad for my 18th birthday, which was my first one I spent in NYC. It was the first gift I'd gotten since I was 12, but now that I think about it, I really overreacted out there. I sounded just like my dad.." My voice trailed off as fresh tears streamed down my face. Alex quickly wiped them away and kissed my forehead. "You're nothing like him, Jackie. You're the nicest person I know. You're never going to be anything like him, blood-related or not. Understand?" I nodded a little, managing a small smile. "What time is it?" he asked, abruptly changing the subject. "Around 9 or so, why?" He looked kinda shocked. "The kids should be asleep. I got them registered to their schools today and they're starting tomorrow," he explained. Alex quickly got up and went off to tell the kids to get ready for bed (he sounds like a dad, I know). I mumbled an "okay" before getting up and going to apologize to Mary-Ellie for snapping at her when she ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm really sorry, Jackie. I promise I won't damage your stuff or my stuff or anyone's stuff again," she told me. "I know you won't, and I'm sorry for overreacting," I mumbled. "It's okay, I get it." She let go of me and ran off to her room. "G'night, Jackie! Night, Alex!" I smiled a little. "So, still regretting this whole 'taking custody of your siblings' thing?" Alex asked. "A little, but I think I can deal with this."

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now