Chapter 8

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John's POV

The Next Morning

I'd spent the rest of last night texting Alex, watching YouTube, and drawing. He told me he'd gone home because he remembered an assignment he had to work on. I told him that was okay, as I knew I could trust him not to lie to me. So, when I got up the next morning, I was quick to realize that I got to see him again. I got dressed and ate a quick breakfast before waking Laf, who seemed to have forgotten about work. "Come on, I'm already dressed! You better hurry up because we're supposed to open in like half an hour," I told him. After both of us were ready, I laced up my roller skates and glided out of the apartment. "Why'd you choose to wear those today?" he asked. "Because I felt like it," I told him with a grin. I was in a good mood, a definite uptick from yesterday. We were just about to get to the shop when I bumped into someone. I'd been skating backwards to make it easier for me to talk to Laf, so I was genuinely sorry that I'd bumped into anyone. That is, until- "Watch where you're going, shortie," the guy snapped. I blew my hair out of my face (I'd left it down) and glared at him. "Just because you're abnormally tall does not make me short," I shot back. "And where'd you get that outfit? Stole it off a mannequin on 5th Avenue?" This puffy-haired prick had ruined my mood, and I wasn't gonna take his insult. But, it was true. His bright purple jacket looked like he had robbed one of those really expensive stores. "At least I can afford a haircut. When was the last time you had one, 2018?" I rolled my eyes and ignored him, taking out my keys to open up shop. We'd stopped right in front of the café, so at least that was a good thing. "Wait, do you own this place, kid?" he asked. "No, but my roommate d-" I turned around to let Laf take the lead, but he wasn't behind me anymore. "He must've taken the back entrance," I huffed, opening the doors. "Were you gonna go in?" I asked. "Uh yeah, but I think I'll just go to a Starbucks instead." And with that, the annoying prick with the rich boy coat walked off in the direction of the nearest Starbucks. "Good, I didn't want him here anyway.." I said to myself as I entered the shop.

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now