Chapter 5

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a/n there's a mention of depression and suicidal thoughts so pls read with caution

Alexander's POV

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Ugh.. where am I? I thought drowsily. I was definitely not at home, as there were no rattling windows, and the room wasn't freezing. In fact, it was the exact opposite of freezing. Then, I noticed something else. Someone was hugging me. Who in the world could be hugging me- I was stopped mid-thought by a strand of curly hair falling in my face. John must've brought me to his place, I thought. I was about to go back to sleep when a wave of nausea hit me. Why do I always forget about this before getting hung over... I quickly got up and opened the nearest door, and thankfully I'd gotten the right one. I ran into the bathroom and, ahem, cleared my system, so to speak. I went back into John's room and grabbed my change of clothes from my backpack, and got dressed after a quick shower. I was about to go back and lie down when I noticed something on John's arm. Huh? What's that-? I wondered. It took me about a second to realize that these were cuts. Self-harm cuts. I couldn't even comprehend as to why he might have done such a thing, but then noticed that these were scars. At least they aren't recent... but why would he even-? An idea struck me. Laf! He'll know about this, I thought. I darted out of John's room and ran into the next one, practically breaking down the door as I went in. Wait what-? He's not in here.. I exited the room, only to be jump-scared by Laf, who was in the living room. "How did you-? Never mind. Anyways, I have a question," I explained, trying to get my point across without sounding stupid. "Go on," he prompted. "Well, I noticed some scars on John's arm. Do you have any idea why they might be there?" I asked. "Unfortunately, I do. You see, when I first met John, he was in a really tight spot. He'd just moved here and had nowhere to go. I met him at the café, and I offered to let him stay with me at my apartment, and I gave him his current job. The reason he moved up to New York was because he had been kicked out of his own house by his father. He was adjusting to living here, and he told me that he felt awful for leaving. He said that he had left his 4 siblings with his dad, and that he hated himself for coming out and saying anything at all. Of course, he's much better adjusted now, and he says that he doesn't have these problems anymore," Laf explained. I was shook. "I-I can't believe all that happened to him..." I mumbled. "And he moved here? I couldn't tell," I added. "He moved up here from South Carolina," he told me. "Oh, okay," I replied. My thoughts raced inside my head, but they were interrupted by someone else's voice. "Alex..? What's going on?" John asked me sleepily. He was still rubbing his eyes. "Oh, morning John. I noticed some scars on your arm and I was just asking Laf about it," I explained. "What scars-? Right, those scars. Alex, it doesn't matter, I'm fine now," he told me. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, Alex, I'm fine. Those are from nearly 3 years ago." I nodded as I watched him go back into his room, leaving me confused, and slightly worried that I may have screwed up big time.

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن