Chapter 39

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Alexander's POV

2 Hours Later

Click click click. The sound of me typing on my laptop filled my ears. I'd been working on an essay for one of my classes for the past two hours (it's now 1 in the morning) even though it wasn't due until late May. My head was starting to hurt and my vision was kinda fuzzy, but I was 31 pages in (even though the required amount was 10) and when I was on a roll, I was non-stop. My phone started vibrating, signaling that I was getting a call. Mr. Washington? Why's he calling me now? I answered my phone. "Alexander. I didn't expect you to be up at this hour." I swallowed hard, as his tone wasn't as relaxed as normal. "Y-you know me, sir, always working," I replied, laughing nervously. "Well, son, I have some unfortunate news for you. You have missed three days of classes in a row. Now, I know you had a good reason to miss these days, but this decision was not up to me. I've been informed that if you miss another day of class, you'll be partially taken off your scholarship, meaning you'll have to pay some of your tuition. If this continues, you'll be fully stripped of your scholarship and forced to pay the rest of your tuition." Taken off my scholarship?! "O-okay, sir. I understand. I'll be in tomorrow," I told him."Good. Thanks for understanding, son." He hung up. I set my phone back down on my desk, still in shock. Great. What am I gonna do? Jackie needs the help, with his arm broken and all, and tomorrow morning he'll be hungover.. this is just great. And what about the kids? I'm supposed to- crap! I forgot to get them from Schuyler Mansion. I sighed and picked my phone up, scrolling through my contacts until I found Eliza's name. I clicked on it and pressed the call button, silently hoping she'd answer. She picked up after 2 rings. "Hey Alex! Why are you calling me now? It's one a.m., you should be asleep," she told me. "I know, but I was working on an essay when I got a call from one of my professors saying that if I miss another day of class, I'll have to partially pay my tuition, and if it keeps up, I'll be completely stripped of my scholarship," I quickly explained. "So what are you gonna do? Won't John need help doing basic things because of his arm?" Eliza asked. "Yeah, he will, and I don't know what I'm gonna do. Maybe he could go over to Schuyler Mansion?" I suggested. "That sounds great! Angie, Mari, Pegs and I would be happy to have him over. And is it okay if Theo is there too?" Theo, short for Theodosia, is Aaron Burr's girlfriend who just so happens to be friends with The Schuylers and Mari. "Yeah, that's okay. You'll have to talk to him in the morning though. See what he has to say about this. Also, how were the kids?" I asked, changing the subject. "They were good, didn't cause any trouble. They're asleep right now, and if you want, I can drop them off with my siblings at their schools." I sighed with relief. "Thank you. That would be great. And I never thought I'd be concerned about kids when I'm still in college." She laughed a little. "Well, that's just how it happened. I hope you don't have kids of your own until you're ready. And I hope you're gonna get some sleep now, Alex, because it's after 1 in the morning. Good night!" She hung up on me. I set my phone down and got up, being as quiet as I could be. I crept into the bathroom and grabbed my insomnia meds from the small cabinet above the sink. I dry swallowed the pill (ew no drinking tap water is gross) before going back into my room. I closed my laptop and put my phone to charge before lying down next to John and hugging him close to me. I felt my eyes start to close on their own, and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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