Chapter 16

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John's POV

½ an Hour later

I was at the café, giving a customer their order, when my phone rang. "Excuse me, I gotta take this." I went into the break room and answered my phone, knowing that Alex was the one calling. "Hey Alex! Lemme guess, you still have a headache and chills and you wanna come home?" But the voice on the other wasn't Alex's. "S-sorry for the miscommunication, sir, but I'm not Alexander," the guy told me. "I'm just calling to let you know that he passed out in the middle of class. I was working with him on an assignment when his head fell forward onto the desk. I've been trying to wake him for the past half hour or so, but he's out cold," he explained. "Okay, and how'd you end up calling me?" I asked. "I went on his phone to call someone to come get him, so I went into his contacts and clicked the most recent contact that was named and not just a number or 'Scam Likely'," he told me. "Alright, so should I come pick him up?" I asked. "I think so. I don't think he's gonna wake up any time soon, so it's best you come while he's still asleep," he said to me. "Okay. Text me the address," I instructed before hanging up. Passed out? I told him to stay home, I thought. "Hey Laf, can I borrow your car?" I yelled, knowing he was in a different room. "For what?" he asked. "Alex passed out in the middle of one of his classes and I need to go pick him up!" I explained, still yelling. "Okay! Come for the keys!" I ran into the back, quickly grabbing the keys from Laf before exiting using the back door and climbing into his car. I started the car and set off.


After around five minutes of driving, my phone rang again. Having connected it to the car with Bluetooth, I answered the call on my phone (hooked up to GPS on a stand next to the vent on my side) and let the other person speak. "H-hello..?" a drowsy-sounding Alex asked. "Aww, hi Alex. Are you okay? What happened?" I heard him start crying. "I-I don't know, okay? One minute I-I was t-talking to Burr, and the n-next I was f-face-down on my laptop's k-keyboard," he explained through his tears. "Awww, don't cry, Alex. I have like five more minutes left before I pick you up, okay?" I heard him take a deep breath. "O-okay, and I don't even know why I'm crying, i-it just happened.." he mumbled. "It's okay, just relax. I'll keep you on the phone until I get there," I told him. Alex didn't talk much after that, he was taking shaky breaths every now and then, but he hadn't said anything other than a "thank you" when I told him I'd keep him on the phone. I pulled up around the college and my eyes widened. This place is huge! I thought. "Okay Alex, I'm outside. I'm gonna hang up now, okay?" He didn't say anything, he just hung up. I stood by one of the entrances and looked in through the glass doors. I wasn't paying too much attention, however, because Alex came running outside, pushing the door in my face. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to do that," he told me. "It's fine, and are you okay?" I asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine," he mumbled. "Okay. Let's get you back home, I'm sure Angie won't mind covering for me." After I got Alex settled in the car, I noticed he fell asleep after five minutes of driving. Aww, he must be really tired, I thought, smiling at him. I pulled into the parking lot, and after finding a spot, I went around to the passenger side to wake Alex up. "Five more minutes.." he mumbled, still half-asleep. "Alex, we're at my apartment building. You kinda have to wake up now unless you wanna stay in the car," I explained. He groaned but sat up. "Fine..." he huffed, climbing out of the car. Around a minute later, as we had to take the elevator, we finally got to my apartment. I unlocked the door for Alex, and he stumbled inside, flopped down on the couch and went to lie down. "Alex..?" I asked him, gently tapping his shoulder. No response. Guess he was too tired to even take his shoes off, I thought, laughing to myself at how cute he was. Although, I wonder who called me earlier?

The Coffee Shop (Hamilton Lams Modern AU) **IN EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now