Chapter 20 To how far shall I go for you?

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Third POV 

As team JNPR brought the now sleep Scyther into their dorm room as with sneaking away from Professor Glynda once brought into the room. Jaune and Ren took their now asleep to one of there bed. Pyrrha and Nora went to the bathroom to change and wash up for bed as the two boys stay with their mysterious friend. As with this many question appeared in their heads. 

To start it off Nora as the easiest of the bunch she has only a few questions. Being that whose Scyther really was? knowing about his semblance, but that strange language she couldn't let go. Nora as a person who lived off the streets along with her best friend Ren she never in her life she thought never heard such language. Nora began to think about Scyther whose more and gets more serious into his own mind. Nora truly wants to be friends with Scyther, but to his own mind and such for her own instincts it told her to be carful around him. But, that doesn't mean to always be careful until she can find her own answer. 

Ren whose the more calmer and wise of his own judgment due to his semblance, but for now and from here on. Ren can't tell what's the true intentions of Scyther no more because his mind set changes from one with the other. At first Ren thought of Scyther whose just a big asshole who has quite a weird taste of other people judgement. Scyther has this cold hearted mind and had no mercy for life as for others like they were completely useless to him. Now the second time Ren now knows the secret of Scyther misdoings it was that he changed into this child learning how to live normal. It was completely hard on him because these things were all, but knew kinda sad really. Third time he changed into a boyish version of Weiss whose cold to others, but once being all nice he really can't take compliments well. Now this time really this was one of those times that it confirms that Scyther is hiding more secrets then he did now. But, the questions remains, why is he hiding these questions? and why can't he trust his friends? 

Jaune the team leader of shorts that he would fine Scyther as a no good bully like Cardin, but in his moments came he helped Velvet and showed Cardin up. It was amazing at first, but Scyther reasons for helping were that of cold hearted words. The more the Jaune took into these words the more questions he has piled up to what or who was Scyther really was. But, later Jaune learns about Scyther past a bit and knowing how he was once that was over he saw a new side of Scyther. A side that resembles that of his once known first love being Weiss, but again Jaune can understand where Scyther coming from he suffered enough hate. Once again, after this even Jaune learns that even his now new friend learns about he's keeping more secrets. Jaune for now is concern about, what else is Scyther keeping from them? 

Finally Pyrrha whose been more concern about Scyther then anyone else in her team probably because of her own good nature. Pyrrha like the rest she learned about Scyther, but for her she face countless people that faced her for just the title. Even that Pyrrha herself can see that after this event that Scyther is now suffering... she doesn't know, but what he said, "A semblance that makes the user be between life and death." That thought in Pyrrha's head never left if a person has that power that person would be the most dangerous person maybe all in Remnant because how can you defeat or kill the person when that person is beyond the means of alive. Pyrrha in her mind set knows that Scyther might be suffering something in his mind that he can't erase even that keeping secrets to either protecting us or something more deeper then anyone of them can think of. 

After these events night came and all four them helped Scyther get dressed as with getting to bed as all four of them are going to sleep. 

Moments later

Scyther started to wake up and as he did he looks around as he held his head in a slight pain not much just slight. 

Scyther: "*held his head in pain* Damn, where am I? (mind) I only remember thinking about my past and drinking it away now knowing that I was once a monster the sins I carry will never wash away. 

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