Chapter 5 Who needs a semblance when I have psychic powers

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Third POV

Another day and other school life for Scyther as it has been five weeks since he arrived here in this new world. Scyther is in a conflict as he now know the creatures that roam this planet, the meaning of being a Hunter/Huntress, it's history of the race between the faunus and humans, the Four Kingdoms Vale/peaceful life, Atlas/being slave with no life just being a solider, Vacuo/Egypt, and Mistral/China or Korea having the good side and bad side(not trying to be raciest here), Aura basically a energy shield, semblance having powers being low, mid, and to over the top powerful abilities, Faunus having their own home in Menagerie the island only having faunus and no human acceptable, Dust being to crystallization to a form of solid of being Dust also can be a form of ammunition just basically in simple terms every day life item, and some parts like the Great War and the Vytal Festival Tournament. From this he could've left and went on his life being Psycho Mantis, but.... some kind of force is making him stay... strange he complain why doesn't he leave, but soon forget and made this school his mother base. His relationship with his allies and boss aka Ruby being the Leader. Yang... lets just say not in good terms because puns, flirting, and being cocky that would end up making her kill herself sooner or later, Blake... a bit to the left and right because Blake has feeling not safe around Scyther being the same with her ex also being that he has reasons, and Weiss... lets just say they get into fights that always ends up Scyther winning the fights being verbal. For team JNPR well here and there because of the mix in there. Jaune he seems nice and all, but has potential in him that he doesn't see he acts like a coward and not having the courage to fight... sad, Nora..... Scyther just stays away from, Ren... he likes him because he is calm and takes things into serious matter, and finally Pryhha... a warrior to say at least to him, but to lacks to get rid of that belief of destiny and faith because there's no such thing in the battle field. 

To the Teachers/Professors well Scyther is also in a mix in them as well. To start off Port a few words for Scyther himself said "I want to die" because of his adventures that lead up to either true and false to his stories, Doctor Oobleck is rather fast talkative and fast pace, but all in all into his motivation to learn history and knowledge is quite understandable, Peach learning to heal others in combat and to people who are hurt can be vital to missions also Scyther having learned Psychic surgery and Energy medicine this wouldn't be a problem, but learning more about healing doesn't faze him for learning more, Goodwitch strict, serious, combat specialist, and a very kind woman if you get her approval of course, but due to Scyther towards her she seems... more different to him to her as... if she is something... that je never had, and finally Ozpin the man of many mysteries can be kind, reasonable, knowledgeable, and intellect, but in some cases sorrow, angry, regret, and wanting to end something that Scyther doesn't know, but its around something of dying. 

Lastly the final one that he thinks the most of is Ruby aka once again Boss she.. keeps on showing him new things.. new things that he wouldn't know back in his old world. Things like stores, foods, items, games, and all sorts of stuff that Scyther never once knew or found interesting to him. He couldn't get rid of the thoughts that came to her as well with that strange power she has that's overlapping against his psychic abilities, but in any case he liked Boss. 

















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