Chapter 29 Hanging with the bird and nieces

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Scyther POV

The next day came and a the 2 v 2 matches are beginning and all of us are sitting on our seats. As Ruby is hanging onto my left arm I waited for the incoming decapitation to one of my arms as I got eyes on me every second. It's not even a joke in the matter as Ruby's uncle can literally transform into a crow and keep tabs on me. So I can be killed by her father, uncle, or even better.. both... I'm very scared for my future with her.

Everything was all rigged as I told back at Ozpin that Cinder is possible rigging the matches in order to take out the stronger foes out of the picture. But, back to the mess we were all cheering for them as I can only be sad as I know the outcome will be. The first match is Mercury and Emerald vs Coco and Yatsu as I watched I could see Cinder looking like she has everything under her control, but soon it will be a reverse once you make your plays.

As predicted the evil guys win and the other side lost as we both moan for the defeat our comrades all of us had to spilt up, but before we did the group brought me to a seclusive area.

Weiss: "Did they cheat?"

Scyther: "Dang no holding back on those words, huh?"

Yang: "Come on Scthey! we always told us they're the bad guys so in a way they probably cheated, right?"

Blake: "Wow, look whose getting smart here?"

Yang: "Hey!"

Scyther: "I can say yes, yes they're cheating."

Ruby: "If they're cheating then should we report it?"

Scyther: "Ruby, we would need hard evidence to prove that and for typical bad guys they would have hid the evidence nicely so that's out of the questions."

Weiss: "Then.. what are they doing?"

Scyther: "Well my guess is that taking out unwanted competition."

Yang; "Unwanted competition?"

Blake: "What Scyther means is that they're taking out competitors that might cause some problems on their plans."

Weiss: "Then how- wait are they controlling the randomiser of the tournament!?"

Scyther: "Likely because the likeliness of a random team aka the villains to fight the best team in Beacon Academy it seems off. That proves my facts that they're taking out strongest people is something that bad guys would do."

Weiss: "When you put it like that it would make sense as they fought the top team against Mistral. If this the case... how will shall we proceed? we haven't send our choice of who will be in the double matches just yet."

Scyther: "I have an idea, but Yang I think you not going to like it."

Yang: "*sighs* If it isn't something hard I won't be... 'that' angry, yet."

Scyther: "Put me in"

The four teams looked at Scyther as he gave answer to them.

Ruby: "What?"

Scyther: "The plan is that replace Yang with me in the double matches from what I can theorize is that we have some problems with the two members of that group."

Yang: "Okay I'm a but pissed as I want to be the single rounds and win, but explain about the two?"

Scyther: "Do you know about the two who fought Coco and Yatsu?"

Blake: "Well of course, you told them about who they are Emerald and Mercury."

Scyther: "Well for one Mercury has mechanical prosthetic legs I couldn't be sure if it was true or not, but they way he fights it has to be. Secondly Emerald she has a semblance that makes illusions."

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