Big Bro's Words of Wisdom

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Tyler Gray

It was already dark by the time we got back home. Alice fell asleep right after she got cleaned and changed into some pink pjs. She really likes that color.

I didn't complain when she just dumped herself on MY bed. I'm quite used to it by now. Besides getting worked up over it would just be a total waste of time.

Evan, surprisingly, was awake. He and I were randomly flipping channels when West came in the living room so suddenly.

"'Sup brats?" he said as he plopped down in between us.

"Why are you here?" I asked curiously. "Where's Naomi?"

His only answer was a mischievous grin. Somehow that was enough for me to know they probably went at it like bunnies. Evan and I shuddered.

West hit both of us in the head, "What the fuck were you two thinking?" he said. "She just kicked me out because she wanted quality time with Nash. She said I kept hogging him all the time so now it's her turn."

I grinned, "You can't blame us for thinking that you... you know."

"Huh?" Evan said. "Weren't we thinking that Naomi's taking a dump?"

"No you butthead," I said, face-palming at his stupidity. "Wouldn't you normally think Naomi's asleep after they had se---"

West slapped his hand over my mouth rather painfully and smiled at Evan while patting his head. "What a good innocent child you are."

"Um...thank you?" Evan said confused.

I wanted to do another face-palm.

"Shouldn't we be quiet?" asked Evan as he glanced at my room where Alice was sleeping. "We might wake her."

West and I said the same thing at the same time, "Nah."

"She's quite like you Evan, a heavy sleeper. Tyler here is the light sleeper," West grinned.

I decided to check on her. I walked over to my bed where Alice was and poked her cheek. She frowned a bit at that but didn't stir. I poked her harder. She just rolled over and snored away.

I covered her with a blanket and fixed her position on the bed while Evan and West, for some reason, followed me and talked about Evan's phobia. I tucked the girl in nice and cozily, earning a sigh of contentment that made me smile as she snuggled in her more comfortable position. Her hair was getting in her face and I gently fixed it for her. She's had a very long day. And I'm still wondering why she cried. She hasn't cried in front of me since that day when we were little. Does she always cry in secret? She even denied it when I asked her, even though the evidence is in her eyes and nose. They always get red and puffy, and her nose turns pink.

I frowned. She looked awfully sad when I found her, not like the usual Alice I've been living with. She almost seemed like a different person. Gone was the happy child ruining my life and constantly teasing me everyday, replaced by a gloomy girl who seemed to have shut herself away from everyone else...

I didn't know I was running my fingers through her hair until she was leaning in to my touch, purring like a loving cat.

And then I noticed that the room was quiet.

When I looked behind me, Evan and West were watching me knowingly. I blushed and glared at them, moving away from Alice, "What?" I demanded.

"Oh nothing bro," West said with a smile. I turned to Evan. He shrugged.

I didn't want them to say anything, but I did want to know something..."Hey West," I said slowly.


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