Small Suspicion

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Allen Anderson

Tyler hit me... And it stings like a b*tch. This is going to leave a nasty bruise. I won't be able to face him as Alice with this on my face, it would blow my cover and Ty would live out his awful threat and leave me behind forever!

It was a good thing that this large guy named Cain appeared, meaning that my initiation will somehow be forgotten or postponed.

Cain was tall and rather serious-looking. His dark hair and crooked smile gave him a menacing appearance as he stared intently at Tyler, who, compared to him, looked as princely as ever.

"So Ty you---" but he wasn't able to finish. Tyler charged him and landed a blow right in his stomach, making me flinch as I watched his face contort with pain and shock. Staggering back, he grunted and glared at Tyler, "That wasn't fair."

It was Ty's turn to grunt as he stood coolly in front of him, Cain's friends stunned and angry, "Says the guy who tried to attack me from behind."

Wiping a streak of sweat from the side of his face with the sleeve of his shirt Tyler sighed and said, "Anyway, let's just get over with this. I have an important date later."

"Date?" I asked blushing despite myself. Was Ty going on a date with me once he was done here? Oh my gosh--

"He means the chocolates Lee promised him," a boy whispered in my ear.

I tried to hide my great disappointment. "Who's Lee?" I asked. The boy pointed at the guy standing next to Sven. He had chestnut colored hair and charming looks, also he seemed kind of like the twins, only kinder.

"And you are?" I asked, keeping my voice naturally as a guy would.

"The name's Peter, some call me Pete even when I don't like it, he answered without looking at me. He was playing Temple Run in his phone. His score was already going three million. He looked cute, with golden blonde hair that curled at his nape. His eyes were a pale color of gray, and he was only about my height. He must be the youngest here.

"So Allen, wanna play?" he asked without looking again.

At first I thought he was referring to the game in his phone, but then I realized that he was referring to the fight.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you can prove yourself in the fight instead of facing Ty again since you said you don't wanna fight him," Sven said.

"I was going to say it would be fun," Peter pouted, his eyes focused on playing the blasted game.

"Okay," I shrugged, but inside, it was a great relief that I won't be fighting Tyler again. Just imagining myself causing him pain makes me wanna kill myself.

Cain's friends charged, at Ty but Lee and Keith were there in an instant. Beside me, I saw Lee twitch yet still kept his eyes on his game.

He twitched some more and I realized that he was itching to join the fight, and he wasn't rushing in yet because he was waiting for me. "I guess, I'll play," I told him. He smiled while playing and rushed off into the fight.

I was about to join in when I glanced at Sven who stood there with his phone in hand, looking bored and uninterested. "Aren't you coming?"

He made a face, "No thanks. Unlike Tyler, I have a real date to attend to."

I shouldn't have bothered asking him.

Someone's foot almost landed in my face if I hadn't bent back and lowered down on my knees, dodging in surprise. The twins did that sometimes, they usually tested my reflexes. When I failed, their attack never reached me. They stop in the middle of the attack and frown in disappointment, though I knew they were grinning inside for catching me off guard. The unfair part is that they're never caught off guard.

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