You're My...

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Naomi Gray

"Naomi, please stop," West said while he held Nash.

"Stop what?" I asked absently.


"That what?"


"I'm not pacing," I countered weakly as I continued to stare at the locked room where the two kids were in. West placed little Nash on the couch and suddenly placed both hands on my shoulders, stopping me from continuing with my pacing. "You do know that what you're doing is unnecessary, right?"

"I can't help it!" I said. "I don't know what's going on. And both of them looked absolutely terrible."

"Well, Tyler didn't sleep a wink so of course he'd look like shit," West shrugged. "Alice just seemed shocked and flustered by the sudden turn of events. Ha, and so early in the morning too. Can't believe we're already dealing with so much drama."

"I've been trying to eavesdrop and I can't hear a thing," I exclaimed in frustration. "Why is it that all of the rooms are basically soundproof!?"

West smiled sheepishly as he ushered me to the couch where Nash sat, listening to us curiously. "Uh that's my fault."

"You made them soundproof?" I asked incredulously. "Why?"

He blushed slightly and returning to grinning boyishly. "So that you won't have to worry about being too loud."

"Being too loud?" I asked, confused.

His grin widened and he leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Yes kitten. It's so that we can go all out in bed without needing to hold back~" I felt my entire body heat up. "West!"

He laughed and hugged me from behind, pulling me on his lap before bringing Nash on mine. "Anyway, you've got no reason to worry. Those two will be alright."

"How do you know?" I asked as I glanced at the locked door.

"I just do. Don't you trust me?" he asked.

"I do...but," I said hesitantly. “Hold on… why’d you make all the rooms soundproof?”

“Oh…you know. So that we won’t have to hold back whichever room we’re in.”

“You—! Wait, so even Tyler’s!?”

“Oh, that one’s a favor I just gave him. So that when he brings a girl to—“


He sighed. "Just relax kitten."

"Lax," Nash nodded.

"See? Even Nash agrees with me," he said.

"Okay," I said in defeat. He's right. There's no use worrying. Those two are good kids, so they should be alright.

"Besides," West drawled while playing with a strand of my hair. "They're probably going at it like bunnies by now."


"Bunnies!" Nash clapped.

"What?" West asked as he poked our son's cheeks. "Two hormonal teenagers locked up in the same room with their feelings going on overdrive...anything could happen."

"B-b-b-b-but! We were once teenagers too! And I don't remember anything happening when I stayed at your place!" I said recalling the days from that summer I spent here. I had to stay with the Grays and back then nothing really happened. Well...nothing much?

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