First Fight

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Alice Anderson

"This sucks..."

"Well, this is your fault," Natt said as he applied some stuff on my bruised cheek. His hand was gentle and careful in contrast to his cruel smile and mischievous eyes. "I'm surprised you were almost able to slip away."

"I'm surprised you haven't murdered me with your teasing yet," I said.

"Later, once Nick arrives. It's more fun when he's around to help tease you," his eyes twinkled in delight, "Do you know why?"

I paled. "B-because he never holds back and doesn't mince his words."

"Excatly," he said pleased.

"No Natt! Please, no, kill me now before---"

Someone suddenly grabbed my head from behind and applied crushing force. I gulped. A soft scary voice whispered from behind me, "Hello Allen~"


"I'm so proud of you, you little failure," he said cheerfully. "Not only did you make an utter fool of yourself by making such an amature mistake such as entering the house forgetting your get-up, but you were also discovered by a child."

He let go of my aching head and I dreadfully glanced at him before hurrying over to Master Natt who was chuckling happily.

I reached him and his behind his back as Nick went on to slaughter my remaining spirit with his accurately aimed words.

"A child Alice, did you hear me? A CHILD. A two year old little boy blew your cover with just one glance. Even West realized who you were before you were even done with your pathetic excuse for a lie."

His smile made it worse as he started approaching me.

Natt tilted his head towards me and grinned. "You sucked big time, our little Ali~" He pinched my cheek and said lovingly. "You looked so stupid and hilarious with that weak panicked look on your face. I wanted to laugh and kill you all at the same time. Did you know that in our training, they---Oops, almost slipped." They never revealed anything about their job. Dammit, that was so close.

I'm sure you did that on purpose to get me. "Should I ask about the punishment your going to give me?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh sweetheart, you really don't learn do you? Is Naomi's simple-mindedness rubbing off on you? Use your head darling. What do you think we're going to do to you for failing as our one and only pupil?" his easy smile ran a chill through me.

"M-Master Nick I---"

"Don't call me master, Alice, I'm not in the mood to be reminded that I'm the one who taught you such a ridiculous and awful way of acting," he said sweetly.

"Nick," I said clutching a laughing Natt's shirt.

"Yes, Alice?"

"I'm sorry," I said in a small voice, eyes downcasting out of fear and the shame that came with failure. Just remembering Naomi's wide blue eyes and West's humoring look made me feel awful. But what I feel most awful about is that I'd be away from my beloved Tyler for God knows how long. Unless this bruise on my cheek heals quickly, I'd most likely be spending a week or two away from him! I can't stand that! And what's more, he probably wouldn't even miss me one damn bit!!!

Looking back into the twins' dark set of eyes, I saw them soften and a genuine smile crossed their handsome faces. "So how'd it feel getting hit?"

I smiled, "It hurt like a bitch. And Tyler was even holding back."

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