Surprises and Revelations

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Alice Anderson

"So, why are you here?" Tyler asked while glaring at Sven.

"What? Don't be so grumpy Tyler," he smiled and lied back against the couch. "Just because I witnessed your confession of undying love to Ms. Barbie here, doesn't mean you shou—"

Tyler growled and threw a pillow right at his face. He looked terrifying actually.

God how I love him.

"Easy kid. I don't want you breaking any of our furniture," West said cheerfully as he kept hiding Nash's toys from the searching little boy. What an evil father.

"Shut up West," snarled Tyler.

"Ty, calm down a bit," I said taking hold of one of his hands. It was a habit from childhood. Whenever Ty got mad at me or West, I'd usually hold his hand and not let go until he calms down. I thought I didn't do that anymore since Tyler wanted me to keep my distance before. But it seems now that I'm his girlfriend my brain automatically let the habit resurface.

He glanced at me and stared. I held his gaze, not really thinking of anything as I got a bit lost while staring at his emerald green eyes. Angry, happy, or sad, those clear green orbs are as hypnotic as ever.

Tyler visibly relaxed, his fists unclenching as he layed back against the couch wearing something close to a pout on his handsome face.

I just got a mental nosebleed from adorable the picture looked.

But still there are other old habits that die hard. I was about to let go of his hand, remembering the many times he scolded me for touching him so casually, but he suddenly tightened his grip, surprising me quite a bit. He glanced at me, cheeks coloring slightly and he frowned. "Stop looking at me like that."

I blinked. "Looking at you like what?"

"Like a fucking miracle just happened," he grumbled.

I once again glanced at our hands and still couldn't believe it even though he already told me he loves me back... some part of me...the depressing part of me keeps thinking he's going to take it back so I try to keep my hopes from soaring so as not to get disappointed.

Because if he lets go someday and ends this, this miracle that just happened, I don't think I can ever fix the broken pieces of my heart.

"Well, it is a miracle," I said with a small smile. So might as well enjoy this while it lasts.

He suddenly flicked my forehead. "You just of something depressing again, didn't you?" he grumbled. I stared at him in disbelief.

"And now you're friggin wondering why I know, don't you?" He humphed. "Well I'm not telling you. And if you think that I'm going to take back what I said about l-lo, uh that, then you fucking wrong. You're stuck with me for the rest of you fucking life woman."

Tyler was glaring at me as if it would help make me believe.

And damn did I want to believe him.

But my heart was beating like mad because w-what he just said...was k-kinda like a proposal...right? And I don't even think he realized it.


Both Ty and I visibly stiffened.

Shit. I forgot that we weren't alone. Glancing sideways, I saw Evan looking very very awkward with a red face as if apologizing for witnessing something that he shouldn't have seen, Sven grinning like a madman, and West humming, acting as if he heard nothing, but I caught a glimpse of his phone in his hand while he continued to hide Nash's stuff.

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