An Interesting Deal

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Tyler Gray

I don't believe her. I don't think she can go through two hours without whining about something. She's currently fast asleep, the only state I know she'll be quite. I sat at the edge of the bed, glaring at the sleeping girl.

"You're going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that Ty," she suddenly murmured.

"How did you know that?" I asked, my frown turning into a scowl.

"I may have my eyes closed but even I can sense all that hatred you're giving off," she said with a weak chuckle.

"I knew you couldn't keep yourself from being complaining," I said, "meaning the deal's off and no beach."

She suddenly sat up with a gasp of disbelief followed by a low groan as she held her head between her hands. The sudden movement caused her to feel dizzy, so she spoke without looking at me as she tried steadying herself mentally. "I wasn't complaining Tyler."

"Sounded like you were complaining from the way I heard it," I scoffed.

"You make things sound the way you want them to!" she snapped. "I could tell you the truth and you'd still think that I'm lying because that's what you want to hear!"

"Well then what do you call what you just said?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest, a childish gesture that I'll never admit.

"I was merely pointing out the obvious," she sighed. "I just couldn't sleep. And I need sleep to get better, Ty."

I stared at her for a long time. Her hair was tangled and she looked like a total mess. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her skin was sweaty with hairstrands sticking to her forehead, cheeks, and arms. Her lips were dry and chapped, her face paler than usual, and her hands that were holding her head just a while ago were clammy. My eyes skipped the purple bruise that made me feel nothing but mad and guilty. Yet even in her state I still can't understand why she's so annoying.

"Ty, just... please," she said pleadingly, "I already told you I wouldn't bother you and promised to be in my best behavior while I'm sick, but you're making it real hard to follow my end of the bargain if you keep trying to pick a fight."

"I'm not---" I cut myself off. This is ridiculous. Even I can see that. But it's just that...if she wins... I'll have to go to the beach... The beach. Going somewhere with Alice is always a bad idea. Going somewhere with a lot of water with Alice is even worse!

 I sighed angrily and went out of the room. Evan, who I forgot was even there, sat up immediately to follow, afraid to be left alone with a female. Sometimes I don't even see Alice as a female. She's just... well... Alice.

"I don't really get why you're so irritated," Evan said as he yawned. "The moment you agreed, she quickly became quiet and started acting upon your terms of the deal. You shouldn't be too hard on her."

"Shut up."

 Evan chuckled, causing me to glare at him. "I'm sorry," he said with a smile, "It's just that I haven't seen you this worked up over anything but chocolate. It's kinda funny."

"It won't be funny after I shove your head down the toilet," I grumbled halfheartedly.

He grinned. Sometimes it amazed me how different he was when he wasn't sleepy or in his 'must avoid girls' state. "You wouldn't do that," he said easily as he started walking towards Nash' room. 

"You love me too much do something so pathetic," Evan said as he dodged my fist.

"I do not," I grumbled, "You're disgusting."

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