Sweetly Surprised

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Alice Anderson

I woke up in the warmth and comfort of a bed, the pillow soft, the sheets nice and cozy. I couldn't help but stretch with a satisfied smile, for once ignoring the pain of my burning eyes and the dryness of my throat, along with the heaviness of my entire body. Maybe I was getting better. I've only drank one pill to help myself for the past three days, because I absolutely despise medicine. I consider them as the most disgusting form of nutrients there is! My parents have always sneaked them into my food whenever I'm sick or unwell. I couldn't really dissect my beloved food just to take out one small damn of a bug, so I let it pass. So I stubbornly depended on my own body for self recovery without any help from those... yuckies.

Now this is odd... I thought as I rubbed my eyes groggily. Wasn't I talking with Ty? He... what did he say again? He said some pretty honest and sweet things. But now, since I'm still here in bed, I must've just had a dream. There's absolutely no way Tyler would say such things. That must've been me and my hopefulness again.

Slowly sitting up, I looked around the room and...

Holy shit...

This isn't Sky's house...

"Oh, Alice," Evan said sleepily. "How are you feeling?"

I yelped and then coughed at the sudden action, my throat feeling awfully worse. But while I tried stopping my coughing with Evan trying to help by patting my back, my mind was racing and so was my heart.

It wasn't a dream.

I really was at Sven's. I really did talk to Tyler. And...

My hand shot up to feel my hair.

Shit, the wig was missing.

"Looking for this, darling?" a voice suddenly said.

I glanced unwillingly towards the door and saw Tyler holding the wig casually. His face composed, and his posture relaxed. But one look at those emerald green eyes that I have longed for since childhood told me that he was boiling inside. I knew that the moment he and I were alone, I would die.

"Oh, hey Tyler," Evan said, unaware of the tension in the room.

Tyler greeted him back, but kept his piercing gaze focusing solely on me. If it weren't for my incoming death, I would've felt giddy at the thought that he's looking at me and only me.

"H-hi Ty," I said, my voice cracking due to the soreness of my throat. Ty's expression seemed to have changed instantly and he was beside me withing a second, a glass of water replaced the wig in his hands.

"Drink," he ordered harshly, but in contrast to his tone, he carefully placed the glass to my lips, helping me drink even though I could've done it without his help. But I'm not complaining, I will greedily take what he offers, and even if it means deceiving him, then so be it.

In the end, he managed to make me drink everything. I wiped my mouth slightly and thanked him heartily. It wasn't always that he would be this nice.

"You're such a pain," he grumbled, turning away and handing Evan the empty glass. "Take it downstairs and just stay there for a while."

Evan looked at Ty, then back at me. He shrugged, "Okay."

"You're going to sleep on the couch aren't you," Tyler said.

Evan showed a bright smile, "For once you're wrong. I've slept a lot today, so I feel really awake. I was thinking of playing with Nash."

And as if on cue, Nash appeared in the room. His brown head of hair poking into the door from the small opened gap of the door. "Alish," he said looking at me.

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