Another Meeting

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Tyler Gray



"Please stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Kicking me. I can't sleep."

"You don't need so much sleep," I grumbled continuing to kick him. I wasn't even doing it hard, so it wasn't really meant to hurt anyone, but enough to annoy someone into staying awake.

West watched us from behind his laptop, typing really fast. He was doing some work for Alex Raven since the guy had to go on a tour for being some big ass singer with his girlfriend Raysa.

"Something bothering you?" West asked me.

I stiffened slightly. "Why do you ask?"

"You bully people when something's bothering you."

"No I don't." I kicked EVan harder.

"You do," West said. "You actually got that habit from me," he said proudly, "Since I always bullied you whenever Naomi did something stupid."

"You're a horrible brother," I grunted.

"Says the one who always kept coming back to me even when I held you by your ankles," West grinned. I blushed at the memory and made a face, "Shut up. Nothing's bothering me."

West stopped typing, his green eyes identical to mine staring at me steadily. A smile tugged at his lips when he said, "Is it Alice?"

"No," I said all too quickly. It's been three days since I last checked on her. Ever since that annoying kiss she gave me I've felt weird, troubled, and uneasy. Even my chocolates have been ineffective to this troublesome feeling, and chocolates cure everything!

"Why haven't you gone to check on her?" West asked.

"Beause I don't need to," I told him. "She's not sick, she just doesn't wanna be here anymore, which is just fine by me."

West remained silent. Evan groaned and turned over on his side, blocking my foot with a pillow. I was starting to feel restless again. This was frustrating, and it's all Alice's fault. I'm not sure how it's because of her, I just know it is.


"What?" I grumbled as I slumped down on top of Evan, trying to be as heavy as possible to annoy him more. He made some angry noises, whining, grumbling. And yet it wasn't enough to make me feel content.

"Remember that vacation trip we had with Alice?" West asked.

"Yeah, what about it?" How could I forget? Alice tried to drown me. She knows how much I hate water and yet she pushed me into the pool and dragged me to the center of it, away from land and safety. Damn girl.

"Well, her parents were still on good terms at the time, but the slight indication that they'd get separated was evident. Little Alice was basically ignored. Didn't you find it strange that mom and dad kept her with us instead of her parents?"

I stopped. I never once thought about that before.

"And just like you, when that girl is bothered, she has her own habits. You bully people, she spends hours in the pool until she catches a cold."

I stared at my brother, "What are you trying to say?"

A thoughtful expression appeared on his face. "You'll figure it out."

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